Kenzo and The Changes He Wrought - DM Lore

Altera: " thank you for coming over again, I thoroughly enjoyed our talks last time." Kenzo: "Your welcome, thanks for the corn on a stick. They fried it perfectly and put just the right amount of butter and salt on this." Altera: " indeed.. so do you have an answer for my question earlier?" Kenzo: "yeah I do, I believe that you aren't bound to fate as much as you think." Altera: "how so? And where's your proof young one?" Kenzo: points at his stick of fried corn "this" Altera: "...huh?" Kenzo: "I've seen what my fate was supposed to be before I came to this plane... I was supposed to die today.. by your hands at this very moment, no words and no conversations.. yet here we are.. sharing a snack and talking philosophy"

Kenzo: " I wasn't supposed to be in this position I'm in. I wasn't supposed to be found and adopted into a family. My friends weren't supposed to separate from one another. Some things still happened like Cid said they would but His divination wasn't entirely correct. I was supposed to be Fu's "Enkidu" whatever that means but instead those that adopted me and her love us like we are their own. I made a friend today... I don't feel like I need any more proof than that"

Altera: "...I think I like that answer... Kenzo... If you could fulfill one dream of yours. What would it be?" Kenzo: " hmm..... if I had the power to do it I suppose I'd want simply for people to know what it truly feels like to be happy or for a better description I'd want for people to have something to look forward to everyday. Doesn't matter how small it is, long as it puts a smile on their face. Maybe a neighbor who waves to them every morning, could be having this kind of corn on a stick to have for food when they want it. The sunrise, maybe even the sunset. I wouldn't want sadness to go away, that would be foolish but.. I think it would be nice for everyone to have something to make them feel better about themselves and their life. I've got two friends who have had a hard time for as long as I've known them with that feeling. They hated themselves and tried as I might to make them feel better I didn't have the power to get them to smile for very long. Maybe that's why my wish might be seen as selfish but.. I want them to have something to look forward to the most. It's lonely out there so.. yeah that would be my dream come true. If everyone had something they could look forward to everyday, it could be small or big so long as it didn't hurt anybody"

Kenzo waited calmly as memories flickered into his mind whilst Altera braided his hair. Feeling her place the bead within to keep it secured and fastening the two shards into beads as well. Placing them into two of his now four tails. Memories of an Island, a beach where Akari sat beside her friends. Looking on at the cosmic sea before the group. Laying against a teal young dragon who slept soundly along the Beach's sands, laying beside her was a goat-like demon sitting back and enjoying the waters from the coconuts they grabbed. He was around her age. Smiling and looking towards her with his third eye. Locking eye contact with hers.. Using some portal generation to snag more once they finished their pile. A Feroxian teen with silver eyes watching over the three... Angra, Ygg, and.. Cronus. That was their first names... there were two more but their names and faces were foggy as Kenzo tried to remember. He needed to go home when this was over, he needed to consult Finvara and Oona. "I am still me" he thought. "Regardless of who I used to be."


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