An Answer Well Received

The next installment of Lirael Glimmereye's journal as he progresses as a Yuan-ti Cleric of the Twilight Domain/Rogue. He is part of a D&D 5e High Fantasy home brew adventure campaign. Today's installment is the second part of an out of session episode, where Lirael confronts his future and his master with the choice he is making. Doing these journal entries makes the character seem more alive and creatively helps me create a character that I enjoy role playing. Lireal has his doubts, fears, hopes, and dreams. He also changes his mind and is someone beyond the usual PC who gets to live one night a week.

Past Journal Entries:

  1. Lirael Glimmereye - Backstory
  2. The Prophets of Minwa
  3. The Silent Struggle

An Answer Well Received

Dear journal, the sweet taste of freedom dances on my lips, a turning point etched in the very fabric of my being has unfolded before me. A totally unanticipated result was provided to me from my Master this night.
As we stop for the night on our journey to Inverness and our campfire flickers in the silvery moonlight, I sought solace in the embrace of the woods.
Standing beside a majestic pine, I reached out to my Master through our clandestine channel. Unexpectedly his presence immediately materialized with an authoritative coldness. "Lirael," he intoned. Before he could say anything more, I spilled my torrent of thoughts that had haunted me since Silvaa.

My master, a sight few living people see or remember
Bing Image Creator - 2023

Finally, I spate forth, the one thing that frightened me the most about this conversation. The realization that the assassin's path no longer echoed within me. When finished, I looked warily at my Master to see if he made any motion to draw his swords - to take care of the loose end that I had become.

He did not, instead he flashed a knowing look that used to vex me so often, when he was already two to three steps ahead of me.

Surprisingly, my Master, bade me to come deeper into the woods to ensure that no one could eavesdrop on the remainder of our conversation and I caught a flash of our ratfolk driver quickly departing the area. My master quietly said, "I'll have to take care of that one after you get to Inverness, he heard things that were not for his ears - no loose ends."

Ever calculating, he discussed for the first time some of Sister Elara's insights into my true destiny. The Twilight gods had plans beyond the shadows, and my training with him was a stepping stone toward that fate.

The Master knew this night was coming and while he understood that it was not my destiny to become like him, that he had valued our years together. That I was willing to face this choice as I had to his face, only increased his respect for me.

Four stipulations surfaced for him to release me from my apprenticeship. A delicate dance of secrecy to the many things I had learned under his tutelage, non-interference with the guild's work unless it directly interfered with the direction of my deities, protection of his true identity, and an unexpected clause - his call, once, to which I must respond without question or delay, as it would only come in the direst of times.

All weighty reminders that freedom has its own intricate dance and responsibilities, but a dance I choose over the swift death I once envisioned.

Beneath the conditions, a revelation emerged - my Master deemed me family. The word ignited hope, something unbelievable from a man who shunned the world, to call Yet, actions will define the truth of this newfound bond. I know that he used others for his own means while I was his apprentice, so on this while his words kindle hope, my knowledge of who he is, means that the words must be met with actions.

My Master then advised me has taken a contract but did not get into the specifics, but confided that it is not anyone I'm currently with or that might interfere with any of the adventures that I seem to be heading into. So, he would not be available to communicate with me for a while. He said that he would contact me when he could to see the progress I was making.

I discussed the vision on the card with my Master and what I had seen in the dream veil. He told me that the man with the broken mask's name was probably Hassan and that he was a Changeling. Who was an assassin of some note and if you saw one of him that there most likely several more close by. So do not let your guard down, if you dispatch only one of him.

He does warn me that the man named Hassan is not just one person. He has only dealt with Hassan with a particular client and has what's known as a death touch. Don't let him make contact with your skin to skin and he is quite proficient in assassination techniques. My master will be gathering more information on Hassan because this person might be interfering with his business and that he is a difficult opponent. One who is outside the reach of the Guild and that there is a price on his head from them. There were other things he shared that I prefer not to write down, but will remember.

We discussed my journey to the Inverness Magic Academy, where Minwa had directed we stop before moving towards other destinations. We talked quickly about the possible knowledge that might be gained there as well. My Master is contacting a "friend" who with the promise of guidance on melding the arcane and divine, and perhaps, a magical item or two.

But he had already given me the greatest gifts that he could have - my life and freedom.

A that point we turned and faced one another. My former Master looked at me, smiled and simply said, "We will meet again in the future, that I know and I have a feeling when we do, you will be a much different person. Then we will speak more on who you are and were." With that we shook hands, he stepped back said "Remember your promises," and disappeared.

I returned to the campfire, feeling lighter and more free than I had in my life. As I sat there looking into the flames, I thought of the promise of a different future and what it might mean. I looked upon my two fellow adventurers who were part of this quest against "The Shadowed One." Their worth remains to be seen, but my initial thoughts of them are both positive. Though I'm certain that time will reveal allies in unexpected places.

Bound by the stipulations from my former master, but not confined by them, I step forward - to navigated fate's threads, though I remain vigilant of the shadows of my past.

Yes, the notion of family complicates my thoughts, a fragile hope amidst uncertainty. As this new chapter of life unfolds, I carry it as a beacon in the twilight of my past, against the backdrop of knowing too much and yet not enough.

Now, let's discover the words of wisdom from my former Master's friend and the Dean of the College in Inverness - whispers in the winds of change.

I wanted to write this all down in my excitement over my freedom tonight. Though there are other parts of my story that need to written as well that preceded this part. But there was no time to write down what happened. So things will be a bit out of order when I get to write the next journal entry.

I'm tired, but excited by the possibility of what might be, but I also have the first watch, so I will not be able to finish another entry for a while.


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