Lirael Glimmereye's Backstory

The first installment of Lirael Glimmereye's journal as he progresses as a Yuan-ti growing up in the city of Silvaa on the world of Crannog as an orphan. It is the backstory that many D&D players create for their characters before they begin to traverse the world that their DM sets them into. We are using the D&D 5e ruleset in a Homebrew world where my character begins play as a 2nd Level Cleric of the Twilight Domain and 2nd Level Rogue, who is at a crossroads regarding which direction he should take in the future.


As I look back on my life so far, it like so many adventurer's stories, it is full of intrigue, abandonment, as well as overcoming the many obstacles along the way. These are my memories, which others might not agree with, but they are how I saw things growing up as a Yuan-ti in a world where too many want things to be cut and dry, not the different shades of reality that our world does endure. Along with a few meandering thoughts about how I came to be where I am now, with all the differences I bring to the table.

About twenty years ago, in a distant and mysterious city upon Glass Terra, nestled within the realm of Crannog, where the ancient shadows of twisted politics gracefully danced, my tale commenced. It unfurled in the clandestine embrace between a noble woman and a mysterious Yuan-ti pureblood. 

12 Year-old Lirael drawn by an artistic fellow orphan whose name I can't divulge. He made me look more normal by not including my "snake eyes" or prominent fangs. It is one of the few images of me that show me as a fairly normal human       -- Image created by Bing AI --

Driven by the scandalous nature of my conception, my mother departed the city of her birth, seeking refuge for a time in Silvaa. Staying in Silvaa until she birthed the bastard child, who was born with the overt serpentine traits inherited from my Yuan-ti lineage—snake eyes, pointed ears, fanged teeth, and a serpent's tongue—I became the living consequence of their concealed affair. Perhaps if I had been totally normal in appearance she might have kept me, then again if her pregnancy was an embarrassment, then probably not. 

My birth, a secret fruit borne of their forbidden liaison, marked me as the living embodiment of scandal. Based on everything I've been told, once she had recovered enough from my difficult birth, she left without looking at me again. She returned to her life of privilege, intrigue and posturing that had been so rudely interrupted by me.

In Silvaa, she entrusted me, well it would be more accurate to say abandoned me, along with a purportedly substantial sum of gold, to the care of Sister Elara's orphanage. A place that accepted all manner of children, but a stipulation accompanied this clandestine transaction—the good sister must hold from me the knowledge of my true parentage - forever.

Yes, I was raised in that orphanage. The one run by Sister Elara, under the only name I've ever known - Lirael Glimmereye. The early years there are vague memories of torment and torture from the older orphans - I believe that I've purposely tried to forget much of this period in my life. My appearance made them all uncomfortable and my life was one of learning to hide, accepting the beatings, and not liking myself because I was so different from the rest of them.

The Runaway

At the age of eleven, I ventured into the streets as a runaway, life at the orphanage had become a life filled with torment from the older children, who's merciless ways when Sister Elara was out of sight were intolerable. 

The streets, alleys, and secret ways of Silvaa became my sanctuary and training ground. Sadly, the life of an urchin was safer for me than the orphanage had been. There were fewer beatings and I found more acceptance among the other urchins than I ever did from my fellow orphans. I earned not so much friends, as allies during this time that remain a part of my life to this day. 

Silvaa's labyrinthine alleys, became my refuge as a runaway, whispered secrets that became my confidantes. I learned the streets and the furtive ways, within ways, for those desperate enough to use them. I even drew several maps from those days to ensure that I remembered those secret ways that only urchins of the streets learn and continued to use them as I grew older. I still use more than a few of them now to travel the back ways of Silvaa, when I need to move discretely through the city. 

Return to the Orphanage

Upon my return to the orphanage several months later, aided by the city watch who had been alerted of my runaway state, I was welcomed by Sister Elara as only she could. When I honestly told her why I had runaway, changes were made at the orphanage to ensure the safety of all children under her protection. While the issues that I had during the past, stopped being problematic enough that I wanted to leave again. It wasn't perfect, but life there was lot better than it had been. Children seem to be naturally callous and mean to those of us who are different.

Sister Elara, a few days later sat me down and gave me the account above regarding how I came to her care. However, she remained true to her promise and continued to guard the secret of my parentage through the passing years. Despite my persistent pleas and furtive covert attempts as I got older to unearth the truth from the files she maintained on each child. My file had no mention of my parentage, other than to say I was left by an old woman, which is not the story that the good Sister had told me.

I remained in the dark regarding my heritage. Yet, during a clandestine look at the old ledgers when I was older, a revelation did surface—I discovered the amount of gold given when I was left behind, a fortune in the eyes of one who had spent time on the streets of Silvaa and learned the meaning and value of that much gold. Though none of it remained for me, as during that same time, several significant improvements to the orphanage were made and documented in that same ledger. Though I did notice that every year, on the supposed date of my birth that a substantial sum of gold is anonymously added to the ledger. An odd happenstance or a guilty conscience, being somewhat observant, I'm sure it is there to keep Sister Elara quiet about my past. I suppose I should be grateful for having as much as I did growing up, but it still...well you know and yes, I am bitter toward my mother for abandoning me. 

A guardian with a kind heart, Sister Elara after I returned endeavored to suppress the more overt signs of my Yuan-ti heritage—serpentine eyes, prominent fangs, and a forked tongue—those not so subtle reminders of the dual nature within. I learned to conceal these traits, resorting to goggles, deep hoods and to keep my mouth mostly shut. Which in turn led me to to being considered a freak to most of the other children at the orphanage. Though as I grew older, I also grew larger and stronger than most of the other children. The torment had stopped, but acceptance of who I was never really was a part of my life at the orphanage.

The other children mostly never made up their minds whether to accept me with my "snake eyes", prominent fanged teeth and forked tongue, the ears looked close enough to elven that they caused no comment, or deal with the efforts I made to make those overt features less noticeable in a city where Yuan-ti were not welcomed openly. Even so, I made a few friends, but even those prefer to now not acknowledge that they were once friends with me in today's world where my name elicit's so many different emotions. 

The Cleric's Path

As I entered my teenage years, Sister Elara guided me towards the path of a cleric, particularly the Twilight domain, which was the domain that she had chosen. There were temples with a few minutes of the orphanage and we were all required to to with to the services of the temple she attended until we were teens. Then we would choose our own path. 

With encouragement and support from a kind temple cleric and Sister Elara, I embraced the duality of light and darkness, life and death, resonating with the powers bestowed by Aine and Grianne. My journey, though not inherently evil, traversed the fine line between shadows and light, shaped mostly by Sister Elara's nuanced teachings.

Empowered by the divine abilities of the Twilight domain, I stood on the precipice of destiny—a human bearing too many overt serpentine features, a testament to the delicate balance within. 

But with my emerging powers as a cleric and connection to Aine, I felt the need to do more, to be someone, to become someone who didn't have to hide who he was.

Coming of Age

When I came of age, I wanted to see more than Silvaa, the orphanage, and the nearby temple, so I ventured into the world with a group of locals who had formed a naive adventuring band. Our pursuit of ancient artifacts and gold, well mainly gold, eventually led us to a mysterious portal that turned into a one-way trip to the Feywild. Being young and fearless, we decided to make the best of the situation and it would be where we would make our fortunes. Little did we know how close it came to becoming my death. 

Amidst its enchanting landscapes, we faced the whims of the fey courts, and somehow despite our ignorance and inexperience earned the favor of an archfey.

We embarked on a mission for the archfey and barely made it back with our lives. When questioned about our methods, I stood up before her and didn't back down from her questioning or when she berated me for not agreeing with her observation. I've always been rather blunt and not smart enough to be tactful in conversations where that would have saved me a great deal of torment.

In fact, she laughed out loud towards the end of our conversation when I boldly told her she was wrong and went on to prove how. I didn't realize then how close to death I was in that moment, but instead of the killing blow being ordered, she bestowed me with a touch of the Feywild's magic before her Court. An instance that was later explained to me and how the whims of the Fey are not understood by us mere mortals.

My reptilian eyes were transformed into otherworldly orbs, reflecting the ethereal beauty of the Feywild while retaining their serpentine core and I was advised when the time was right that I would be able to access other Fey abilities, but until then the only difference would be the appearance of my eyes.

However, it was shortly after that I was offered the opportunity to return to Crannog by a member of the Fey court who had befriended me. I didn't want to leave my adventuring party behind, but I was bluntly told that I had offended and embarrassed the archfey and while she had been generous in public, in private she had vowed revenge for the slight from a mere mortal. With that knowledge I agreed it was best to return to Crannog as soon as possible. I believe that all the members of the adventuring company still remain in the Feywild for I've not seen any of them, nor has anyone else in Silvaa seen them either.

This Fey experience marked a turning point in my life and a changing of many of my attitudes and beliefs.

The Night Angel Apprenticeship

Despite my best attempts so far to unlock the bestowed magic, it remains inert. While waiting the Fey magic's emergence, I embraced significant changes to my goals for my future upon my return to Silvaa. With my experience in the Feywild I no longer felt as bound to religious pursuits. Yes, I still serve Aine and Grianne, but it is not as fervently.

As a result of this change of heart, I sought training from a "friend" from my days as a runaway, who had advanced quite far in the dark arts of the night angels, which seemed to align more with my Yuan-ti heritage and parts of my personality. This change of profession was much to the dismay of Sister Elara, who whenever there were chance (or not so chance) encounters, attempted to dissuade me from this path. She also had long discussions with my Master regarding my future, to which I was never told what the conversation entailed, other than it had happened. My master was very open about many things and secretive regarding others. 

Under the mentorship of my nameless night angel master, I delved into a path distant from Sister Elara's vision for me. My master, a guide in the world of shadows and blades, introduced me to a different set of standards and morals, emphasizing the clandestine nature of our work, while surprising me with the conduct that he expected me to follow while in my apprenticeship to him:

  1. No Women, No Children: A strict code that prohibits the killing of women and children. This moral guideline reflects a sense of honor, decency, and mercy in a otherwise ruthless profession. Though there may be exceptions to this rule in specific instances where the woman’s actions are such that that person needs to die.
  2. No Contracts on the Innocent: Refuse contracts that target innocent individuals or those you deems undeserving of death. This principle showcases a moral compass and commitment to using our skills for a greater good.
  3. Contracts Only, No Side Jobs: Limits work to official contracts and avoid engaging in personal vendettas or side jobs. This rule helps maintain a level of professionalism and detachment from emotional entanglements.
  4. Stealth and Discretion: Night Angels operate best in the shadows, and this emphasizes the importance of stealth and discretion. This includes leaving no trace of our presence and ensuring that our actions go unnoticed by the general populace.
  5. Loyalty to the Guild: Shows loyalty to the assassin's guild. While you may question their methods and ethics, abide by the organization's rules and respects its hierarchy.
  6. Avoiding Unnecessary Killings: Seek to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and killings. Choose the most efficient and least intrusive methods to accomplish missions, minimizing collateral damage.
  7. Maintaining a Low Profile: Recognize the importance of maintaining a low profile and avoiding unnecessary attention. This involves blending into the surroundings, using disguises, and adopting a humble demeanor.
  8. Constant Learning: Be committed to improving your skills and learning from every encounter. Seek knowledge from experienced mentors and use each mission as an opportunity to refine your techniques.
  9. Questioning Authority: Respect authority to some extent, but do not blindly follow orders. Questions the morality of certain contracts and be willing to defy authority when you believes it is necessary.

Being a night angel to him was more than simply being a contract killer. His abilities allowed him to rid the world of problems that could not be solved by other means and also allowed him a way to make a reasonable living at the same time. I understood and had personally seen the need for such skills while growing up in the orphanage and my time on the streets of Silvaa, especially then.

Through his training, I became a living testament to the complexity of my lineage, a Twilight cleric, touched by the Feywild, and now apprenticed to a professional problem solver. 

We did and still have one major issue, my appearance tends to stand-out versus blending in, and we've had to call off several more public daylight training sessions as a result of the "victim" or others noticing that a rather muscular Yuan-ti was among them. I excelled at sessions in twilight or the dark, but in those bright daylight times, I stood out. Even with disguises, my features were too memorable to work openly in the daytime, when many targets are more easily taken care of.

As a result of my noticeable appearance, he never took me on any of the contracts that he accepted while I was his apprentice and ensured my innocence in all respects regarding his work.

Despite this problem of not blending in, I was an apt pupil and my master over the past few months has discussed me taking my first contract. To perform the act of a contract kill, to graduate from apprentice to become a fully fledged assassin's guild member. He believed I was ready, but something inside of me, held me back from taking that first contract. I resisted the multiple opportunities that he placed before me, telling him that I simply wasn't ready.

We've had multiple long discussions, about why I don't believe I am ready, but all them have ended unsatisfactorily for us both.

It is Time to Learn More About Myself

My master told me that if I didn't believe I'm ready to take a contract at this point in my training, when I have learned enough to become a guild member. Then perhaps it is time to join an adventuring band to hone my other skills and think about my future. He forbade me from taking any contract without his permission. Also, if I failed to uphold his tenants, instructions or divulged any secrets of my apprenticeship—a swift death was guaranteed. 

He put together a method, where I could magically contact him, if it proved necessary and in this way, he could track where I was. He expected me to return within a six month period.

The future, both exciting and daunting, unfolds as I seek an adventuring band in need of my unique abilities. So begins the next chapter of my tale, where shadows and enigma intertwine in the twilight realm of my existence. 

I'm not sure of why, I don't believe I'm ready or dare I say it out loud - want to fully join the assassin's guild by taking and completing a contract. I am confident in my skills and training. I've killed before but it was in self defense while adventuring and it had very little effect on me. I wasn't one of those who puked or went in a fugue over the kill. I though more about how I could have done it without getting wounded in the process. That learn from your mistakes thinking. So it isn't really the killing part that seems to bother me, especially when the contracts offered were to kill those who definitely deserved it.

As I have had more time to think about the reasons behind my reluctance to take a contract. I tend to believe that it is my conscience speaking to me from all the years with Sister Elara. Who while understanding that Silvaa and the world of Crannog are not without good reasons to kill, with self-defense being the foremost one. 

But that to kill someone as part of a contract to receive gold for the killing, is not a path anyone should take, even if the victim does deserve to die. Though the question I need to answer is - don't many adventurers do pretty much the same thing, just without the contract and specific intent to kill one individual? They kill to get the treasure and gold they are after and know that it is something that will probably happen several times in the course of any adventure.

It is a question I need to find the answer for.

I have a feeling that the adventures ahead of me and the time away from my master and the arduous hours of training will give me time to find the answer I am looking for.


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