Cain - Into the Feywild

The Second part of Cain's backstory and some fleeting thoughts on what has happened so far to him. This backstory is more involved than most I've written and the character has driven the changes as he developed in my mind. I find it fun to change the backstory to meet how the character develops in my own mind. Yeah, I had to break the story into shorter more manageable pieces on the blog, otherwise what was 15-16 pages of material at 9 pitch would have been too long to comfortably read in one sitting.

The Feywild

When I emerged on the other side I knew without being told that I was now in the Feywild and there was another carriage waiting for us. I finally fell to my knees unable to stand any longer. He motioned for one of the grooms to assist me into the carriage and after I was seated my Master looked at me and said. 

“This is your new home Cain, I know that you’ve been badly damaged and it will take time for you to heal. You have voluntarily accepted my protection and since you are still quite young in Elven traditions, as a result I’ve taken on the responsibility of being your Guardian until you come of age, though with your experiences it will be a loose one. I will see you are taken care of until you can take care of yourself once more and serve me as I expect that you will. However, after seeing you and your actions today, I no longer need you to become a Warlock with me as your Patron.” 

“No, I would prefer to have you not be bound to me and instead would have you voluntarily remain at my side. To eventually have you look at me as your benefactor and possibly more without the need of a Warlock’s compact. You will find that I am generous to those who serve me willingly and well. 

I had thought to make you a Horizon Walker and War Mage in my service, though now that we are here at the crossroads and after today’s display. I deem it wiser for you to let go of your Horizon Walker heritage and walk the path of an Eldritch Knight and War Mage. I will twist reality and you will lose your Horizon Walker and strong telepathy abilities, while becoming an even stronger Wizard focusing War Mage skills. I believe in the long run it will be a trade you will come to value though your ability to contact me like you did will end.”

"Come to think of it, you remind me of an Eladrin Battle Mage that I knew in what seems like another lifetime. She left the Feywild to be with a young Astral Elf many centuries ago. While there is no way they could be your parents, which I’m strictly forbidden to help you find within the terms of your release agreement, her story might prove to be interesting and helpful to you becoming a Battle Mage. She left some items in my care that she prophesied would be needed in the future by a Battle Mage under my guardianship. They might be of use to a fledgling Battle Mage such as you. You can read about her in the library while you are healing from the trauma you have endured. The Sage will find the documents on her and after you read her story, talk with me after to see about those items in my care when you feel the time is right.” 

I said “Thank you, Master, I will serve you loyally as one of your Battle Mages. May I have a name to call you?

He responded with “You may call me Lord or in private Finvarra.” 

With that I had reached my limits and passed out.


The next thing I knew I woke up in a real bed. Something that I hadn’t experienced for…yeah, over ten years. It was in a small room that was tastefully furnished. I felt renewed, like I hadn’t felt for far too long. The time in the dungeon had ravaged my mind and body, but laying there in that soft bed, I felt that my future had possibilities that I couldn’t begin to imagine. My physical maladies from the years of torture were mostly healed. Though I could tell there were still areas that needed more time. Even the extreme fatigue that had been a constant companion during my imprisonment was gone. Though I knew the deeper scars from my imprisonment – both physical and mental would take longer, much longer to heal. 

On the desk beside the bed were new clothes and a note bidding me to break my fast with him and other members of the household this morning. It was signed by Finvarra. Looking out the small window I could see it was just past dawn.

At that point, I realized just how hungry I was. I quickly cleaned up, got dressed, put on my ring and wore the amulet under my new shirt which helped immensely towards me feeling more alive, then opened the door where a small Sprite was waiting, who motioned for me to follow. 

I followed the Sprite towards a new and different life than I had ever known.

Meandering Thoughts

As I followed the Sprite, my thoughts were not about eating or enjoying the sight of my new home. That would come later.

Instead I questioned who the three were at the Portal and tended to believe they are a part of my heritage that has been hidden away from me. For some reason they are not allowed to kill me outright, but if I were dead, it would be something they would take word of with relief and celebrate the news gladly.

Through the ordeal of my imprisonment, I have learned that dying is easy, it is the living part that is often more difficult. On the day that Alandor died, I had been prepared to follow him into that valiant death. The one where he wanted me to die with honor and would have if Fate hadn’t intervened and I somehow survived to be captured against all odds.

Never again, will I attempt to throw my life away, to die with so-called honor. Instead I will battle until there is no hope left, then I will do what is necessary to survive. To live and hopefully fight again another day. Circumstances and the whims of Fate are fleeting and often lead to unexpected changes or outcomes that one must be alive to take advantage of.. 

While I will not die willingly for Lord Finvarra, I do plan to serve him loyally. He may kill me if I displease or fail him too many times and we both know that. However, I am no longer that naive Padawan and I know that serving him  will have, let’s just call them – difficult moments.

As time goes on I will learn things about him and his operations that would be too valuable to let me be dismissed or to simply walk away. My service then will be more about how successful I am in the missions I am given and then how I work through those inevitable failures, that will make me a valuable tool for Lord Finvarra. Because that is what I will become – a tool to move circumstances in the direction he wants, while countering those who oppose his goals.

Also, the clue that Lord Finvarra gave me, while he might not actively help me find my parents, there is nothing to say he can’t point me towards others in my lineage before my parents as people to emulate. I will visit the library when I am able. 

Though the mystery of my lineage seems to be deepening as events around me unfold. I am beginning to wonder if the purpose of the mission to that city in the Astral Sea was more about capturing a lowly Jedi Padawan than killing a Horizon Walker Master, who called him cousin and urged him to “die with honor as he did”? 

Wheels within wheels that are enough to continue to make my head spin at times. 

Perhaps I have had too many years to think about things and it is simply my imagination running wild. But I do believe the answers do lie in finding out who I really am, or probably more importantly - who my parents were. Finding those answers might even lead me back to that palace in whose bowels I survived for over ten years.

One last parting thought as I came to the room, to break fast with my new Master and many others who were there and would become people I would come to know and some to become my friends. Is something I still can’t quite comprehend. In all the time from when I was captured, imprisoned and tortured, not once was my face scarred or disfigured. It is something that doesn’t seem in keeping with the stories of others that have been captured, then tortured, that I heard during my Jedi training. 

Just one of those things you wonder about at odd times.

It was time to step into my new life…I did.


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