Guillermo Starts A War?

Guillermo waited patiently for Meerkan to come bursting through the door. hollering at the revelation of Guillermo's indecency and the damage done to HIS Tiberias...This hasn't been Guillermo's home for the last decade, not as he remembered it.

Sure enough the magnificent bastard stormed into the room in a flurry of robes. Stopping as he noticed the antimagic field activate as the door closed. Locking just the two of them inside.

"Explain yourself immediately!" Meerkan roared towards Guillermo who simply stayed seated.

Amused at how red the Wizards face has gotten from anger. "Care for a drink? _old friend_?

"I've learned of your misdeeds Guillermo.... Siding with the giants? Razing that village? I knew you'd done some dirty deeds but nothing like this... "

Guillermo sighed and opened his desk retrieving his bottle and placing it into the table. Slipping another object into his vest. "I presume you learned of this from our sons? Heheh... There isn't much more undoing than they."

"You know you're going to prison for this. I cannot vouch for such behavior and simply put I won't. I've fought for you for years and now you've gone and done this? I have to admit I'm beyond disappointed in you."

Guillermo lifts himself up and pulls the object out of his pocket. Revealing a single bullet pistol with Ixada's judge logo to Meerkan and pointing it to his former friend. "To be honest I'd have preferred the recent bombings to have gone without a hitch and for our dear friends child to have taken the fall. It would've been easier then to have lost another I was fond of. But here we are."

Meerkan froze, realizing the kind of weapon pointed towards him. "Guillermo, you wouldn't."

"Wouldn't what? Destroy a founding Archmage's work whilst mine fades into obscurity, watching this visage I've been so meticulously building crumble in an instant because of our brats. Come now, we both are only human. And we are a very ambitious species. No, but this will serve a purpose as did that village. As did the countless others I've raked over the coals that lit the fire of progress. Your death will serve as the starting fires of war. As threats coming from beyond our worlds and stagnation leads to damnation. Without conflict we barely make progress in our weaponry, in our research... Your death will spark a war across Tormoa and from it TRUE GODS of battle will be forged. A shame you and I won't be here to see it."

"This will only destroy the peace I and countless others have fought so hard for! Your not thinking clearly!"

Guillermo cocked the gun, priming the mage killer bullet, "I'd have preferred to have used this on one of the Majini archfae, but this will do plenty."


"I'm done with the games, find them all...
  • The six of you take what soldiers you feel you need and put an end to this.
  • You, go take care of Olin and his fiance.
  • You three, find the airship and drag it to hell alongside anyone on it.
  • You two go deal with my former son... If you feel like you won't make it out at least try to take out one of the Majini with you.
I'm going to activate the Foundling and be done with this wretched disgrace that once was my home.. it's time we carve anew..."


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