Pierre and the Feroxian - Dm Lore

By Sebastian

Pierre was stunned for a moment. He swore it was Kayde, before noticing the distinct lack of mechanical parts and some other differences. The face was uncannily similar but the eyes and hair were the wrong color...who was this young Feroxian?

He had came up to him and started to ask questions regarding the whereabouts of "Mr. Black", "Terentus bas Regulus", "Olin", and a few others. He had seen enough weird things to last this month and when someone starts to sniff around, it probably isn't for good reasons.

"I'm sorry but I don't have any information I can give you little guy in regards to those folks, if they're the same ones on the news I reckon they must be aways, away by now. Best to look elsewhere."

Pierre watching them look dejected and start to walk away. Pierre couldn't help but ask, "Are you by chance related to a boy named Kayde?"

The cloaked Feroxian lifted their head up curiously, "Kayde.... Kayde... Kayde.... Hmmm..." They looked as though they were trying to remember, scratching at a non-existent beard. "Why does that sound familiar."

"Oh! I do have one more thing I have to do here." The boy hopped over towards Pierre once more who stood with his hand ready to cast if necessary.

"Can you show me where the nearest airship dock is? I'm mighty lost sir."

"I can do that if you're willing to cough up a tip little man. My time ain't free." As the Feroxian pulled underneath their cloak Pierre noticed strange tools in their belt and some strange markings along their right arm.

The hand up to the elbow of which was covered in a black cloth-like substance with the rest coated in this strange markings. "Here ya go, will this be enough?" The boy held a platinum piece up to Pierre and he chuckled.

"Hell I'll show you the best place to eat as well with that. Let's go." Pierre thought to himself, best to keep an eye on this one. He had this strange feeling around them, besides the uncanny appearance similarities to Kayde. Though something felt...well off.

As they walked, Pierre tried to pry some information from the boy. "So, what could a young fella like you need with those folks?"

The Feroxian turned and stares at Pierre. A look that sent shivers across his body. Feeling like his blood started getting cold as the boy spoke. " I was told to say hello, "Not to kill or anything, just say hello and maybe play with them a bit."

Pierre stopped walking as they turned into the shortcut, it was an alley that avoided a lot of the heavy traffic and could give a quick bee line towards the airship docks. He needed to get a bit more Information from the boy first. Especially if he's looking for his family. "What's your name kid?"

The Feroxian stopped again and looked up. Smiling towards him. "Do you always ask for names from people you don't trust? Just ask the real questions you want to."

"I want to know why you're after them." Pierre magnetically lifted a few of his knives and adjusted the arm blade in his prosthetic. Readying it in case he was rushed.

"Simple really. I was told to and to get back how they're doing to the one who asked me. Like I said I've got no intention of killing anyone. Now my turn for a question. Who's Kayde?"

Pierre paused at that, "He's someone who looks a lot like you. I thought you two might be related."

He saw the Feroxians eyes light up and a happy smile pop up on their face. "Have you seen him lately? Where was he last? Please tell me I have to see this Kayde..."

Pierre frowned, "I haven't seen them as of late, last I knew they were off on an adventure far from here."

The Feroxian frowned, "Do you know when he'll get back?"

Pierre chuckled, "Patience boy, it's been my turn for a few questions. What's your name and why do you want to go to the airship docks?"

The Feroxian frowned, "I can't tell you my name, the doctors orders. As for why I was looking for the docks I need an airship."


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