Guillermo and Project Ygg - DM Lore

"How has project Ygg come along Guillermo?"

Guillermo kept his head down in a bow and contemplated what he was to say next. There were a lot of unforeseen complications that led to it taking longer than his employer wanted.

"It is nearing its final stages ma'am. I have but a few more adjustments to make and wanted the great runes to be powered fully before handing it to you...

His employer continued to stare down at the human. "If it is near enough completion that you have time to let your subordinates take to adding additional charges to it then I want the artifact by the end of this month. You've run out of time and my patience with this."

He looked up to her and towards the other two standing beside her obscured in cloaks. One whose cloak he recognized as a symbol of one of her other "projects". "I'll see to it then. Is there anything else I can do."

She turned to him and chuckled, "Yes you can actually, I've received word you recently lost two of your crew. I intend to replace them both with a few of mine subordinates around the same pay grade. Try not to waste these ones."

"One more thing Guillermo before you take your leave." He turned to face them and froze as the eyes of not just them but of that... Thing... glared towards him. "I can stand you losing the girl, I can tolerate the issue with the clown. But if I hear of another incident where you and your group decided to be careless and not be thorough with a job. I'll wipe you from the history books. In a mere few decades no one will remember you or any of them."

"..... I hear you loud and clear ma'a, it won't happen again."

"Good, now." _turning to one of the cloaked figures, "Agito dear... can you do me a favor and scope out how our little cherry tree is doing, along with the band of misfits that caused the fuss at the ball."


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