Ester Update - DM Lore

By Sebastian

Ester continued crying on Kenzo. Pressing themselves onto him tightly in an embrace to try and stabilize, it felt like their world was falling again. He offered the hug and Ester couldn't stop themselves. Nuzzling into his neck and sobbing as they thought of how much easier life could have been had they been born differently.

They didn't care Intime was activating when he held them back, the tails coiling and wrapping themselves around them both like a warm blanket of security as he simply held Ester. It hurt so much that most of their thoughts simply were cries of wanting release from this.. not just the pain of Intime but the heartache... As he held them back I.V started to seep from the mark and unto the Man, giving Ester relief from the hellish burning under their skin..

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...I didn't wanna hurt them, I didn't wanna hurt anyone."

"It'll be okay.. I know you didn't, Olin I'm sure knows you don't mean to hurt him and I'm sure the others do as well. would you like to stay in here tonight? It seems you could use some company. I've got desserts leftover from the other day in the kitchen if you'd like to share" _Kenzo spoke quietly as Ester started to calm down. Gently reaching up and petting their head. Unwrapping the tails and letting them pull away if they desire.

"Can I? please." He nods with a soft understanding smile. "I offered, just go get into something more comfortable and you can stay here. I'll get the snacks"

Ester pulls away and wipes at their face, chuckling as they looked up before realizing their I.V was on Kenzo. "Fuck.. is that gonna be okay? I don't want your parents to be angry with you.. or any of the others."

Kenzo shook his head, "Don't worry about that, I'll be fine and if they need an explanation we can just explain what happened"

Ester looked at him for a moment, contemplating the next best move before turning to walk to their room. "Okay, I trust you. I'll be right back." Walking out, Ester closed the door and thought about what they had just done as they moved to get into sleeping clothes. and what their best next move was. He really didn't seem affected at all. Nor did he seem to have any other intentions than being supportive. But what were her intentions with this.

Kenzo walked out of his room and moved to the kitchen, noticing the Yuan Ti that had been working with Manson wandering about. Clearly getting used to his surroundings. He smiled towards him and continued on towards the kitchen, reaching into the freezing box and grabbing the sealed up containers of spicy applesauce cake before heading back to his room. Walking in and seeing Ester having gotten into the bed in their male form. "You ever had one of these before?"

Sitting there quietly as they ate the little cakes. Ester eyed Kenzo from time to time. Thinking how could a sweetheart like this not have anyone yet. He was pleasant to be around, was attractive for his species, even as a hybrid. He had money, arcane power...was it because of his parents? Did he have something wrong she wasn't aware of? Maybe they had strict requirements for anything more than something casual.

"What do you think?" The question snapped Ester back into the moment as Kenzo took the now empty plate and set it on his desk.

"Those were delicious, better than anything I've had at a bakery. Haha... Did you make them?"

Kenzo shook his head and chuckled. "A talent my mother has. She loves to bake during her free time so sweet tooth's like me and dad get a bit spoiled," giving this little goofy smile as he chuckles. "She taught our maids how to cook as well as they can so I'm sure you can imagine how good her cooking is."

Ester thought of the elaborate meals that were prepared for everyone. Everyone ate the same when guests were around but the usual seemed very different, everyone got something they liked. Made sense given the children that were of a different race. They had different needs. "I can only imagine, the Aibarian Khushur almost made me cry, it was so good. I did notice that Isabella and Finvarra didn't eat it and got something else."

Kenzo spoke up as he moved to lay in the bed on the opposing side from Ester, "It's because they're both mainly Vegetarians."

Ester laid there and watched as the Zonik started to drift off to sleep. Then putting themselves into an elven trance shortly after he started to softly snooze. Keeping their thoughts at bay as they dreamed. They dreamt of Olin, of Pluck, of Terentus, Kayde, Raven and Manson. She thought of her time up to this point, what got them here in the first place.

She knew Jonathan was dead, having his heart handed to her in a crystal box by Nalu terrified her at first but eventually came to reason with it. He was no longer suffering and could hopefully be at peace in the after life. She hoped everyone else was going to move on with their lives.

Olin could move towards his career once more and pursue the arts of his arcane school. His debt could be paid off if she gave more to the Majini. it's the least she could do considering what she did to him. Pluck and the gang had a new airship surely from the money they were given. Terentus may not be around but Ester was sure he'd be okay. Kayde was still Kayde, he didn't seem harmed, just a little more machine since they last saw each other. The new people had a lot of catching up to do. She hoped Raven was at peace and Manson could find peace at the end of all of this.

As they finished their trance, Ester nudged themselves closer to Kenzo and sat up. Eventually reaching towards him, lifting up his shirt and looking for the scar he told her about. Her curiosity got the better of her there. If what he had told her was true as to why he was unaffected, there should be a scar right about, there. It was small, close to the left side of his hip but clearly some kind of surgical incision, likely from his mother Isabella.


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