Raven - Soul Bonding to Azumi - Character Update

After getting back to the Zalera, I knew without any doubt the sword was a Masamune creation and a  Shiranui Blade from Kalana, it was just a question of which one. According to Pluck we weren't quite ready to go to the sewers to see what the creature was and had about an hour or so before we would leave. Knowing this would probably be a very difficult battle, I knew that I needed to know more about this sword and if I could use it.

The Bonding

I found a place down in the dojo where I wouldn't be interrupted for a few minutes and attempted to commune with the sword. I was surprised that it quickly allowed me into its domain with the Blood Lily's all around us, but did not speak to me. The spirit simply looked at me sadly and beckoned me to sit before it. 

Looking closely at the spirit, I could see that he was originally a Kalashtar.

After I sat down, I could hear inside of my head. "It is easier to communicate this way. Do you wish to wield me voluntarily as honorably as the circumstances demand? If so, I will offer you the opportunity to become Soul-Bonded to me."

I thought for a moment before I responded. The comment about honor seemed to indicate that its intent could not be too evil if it was asking if I would voluntarily wield it as honorably as conditions demand and the positive emotions it evoked in me.

The spirit continued, "If you do accept my offer there will be changes to who you are and will be."

I hesitated before responding. I could see hope in his eyes dim a little and a terrible sadness emanated from him as well, which concerned me. After a moment, he locked eyes with me and I could feel him gazing into my very soul, judging me, and then he nodded, accepting what he saw. What I saw in those eyes cannot be described in words set to paper. Without any further hesitation I told him,

"I accept."

The Changes

He sighed, more a breath of relief, then smiled a sad smile. The spirit laid his hands on my shoulders, while still looking into my eyes.

Raven as a Kalastar - Microsoft Image Creator AI Generated 2024

With that I felt myself changing, I felt taller, skinnier, not as bulky as before, but I knew I was wiser and a bit more charismatic. It came to me that I was becoming a Kalashtar, but that the changes in my appearance would not be great enough for people to not know me as Raven, though I was not nearly as pale as I once was. Without having a mirror, I knew my eyes were different for there was a moment when everything had a purplish haze, and then cleared. Even stranger was that I felt my Shinobi abilities slipping away and being replaced with Yoshimitsu Ninja abilities. I knew that I could effectively dual wield both the Masamune Katana and the Wakizashi that came with it or even my old training Katana, whereas before I could not have.

While the changes would be subtle to others, it was almost as if the sword molded me into a mirror of who he had been, but kept enough of me to remain me. The sword turned me into a person who is more acceptable in Kalanese society, which if I am honest with myself, was something that I had secretly longed for, but never thought could happen. The spirit told me now and forever, that my surname would be Fujiwara. Shadar Kai are a species that are typically shunned and not welcomed by most in Kalana. Even those who came to know me, acted differently when others were around us as well. Though knowing my background I wonder what the Kalashtar in Kalana will think of me, especially the Fujiwara clan who lead their kind on the Wisteria Plains or would I become another complication for a different clan.

As it held my shoulders, it seemed that the spirit was very weakened and that much of its sadness was that it had not found a suitable wielder for far too long. Knowing that the sword’s most recent wielder was a Dark Knight, I felt sure it had been forced to endure many things it had found dishonorable and beneath it. I hate to think where the Dark Knight found the sword and the things that it had been made to do before the Dark Knight had it. Perhaps one day it will tell me its tale. 

Hopefully, the sword will approve of the way I do things and become more of who he was, versus the bandaged damaged spirit, who had almost given up, having been wielded by those who do not share its views of honor. As he gripped my shoulders shoulder even tighter at those thoughts, I got the impression that as our bond grows stronger and if our goals are aligned, further changes would happen to me, as well as the sword becoming more powerful.

A Clue

The spirit looked at me and told me telepathically he had been the third brother of the Emperor, but didn't say which one and I knew it was not the current Emperor as she is a Triton. I will have to think back on my history lessons to the different Kalashtars who have been Emperors. I know that there were multiple Emperor's from the Fujiwara clan. Though I know that some of the Kalashtar emperors had their issues.

My soul bond, looked at me tiredly and spoke telepathically to me. He said "That is enough for now, I will speak with you more another time." and dismissed me from his realm.

Looking back, I accepted the spirit's offer without finding out more about it. However, I felt as though bonding with the sword was a part of my destiny. My acceptance wasn’t forced or made because of grand promises made to me, which I wouldn't have trusted. There is no turning back at this point, but even so I am comfortable with the choice I have made. Though with a soul bond, I know that I am bound to this blade until my death or the sword is destroyed, which will probably destroy me as well.

What Will Happen to Father's Blade

Looking ahead, I do wonder how it will affect having my father's Shiranui weapon. If Master Kokoro’s smiths are able to repair it, can I dual wield them? What will I do if they cannot work together? While I was able to attune to Father’s Shiranui weapon before his death, I have Soul Bonded with this weapon. If they cannot co-exist, then it will become a matter of honor to return my Father's sword to Kintaro in Neir. To be placed in with other Oshiro family heirlooms.

Names and Pluck is Amazing

When I went back up to the mess deck, I spoke with Pluck about what I had done and my new surname. She told me the others still weren't ready to go and we figured out that the Emperor was probably Jeihong Fujiwara, but neither of us knew the brother’s name. That will require some further research. However, the name Azumi popped into my head while we were wondering about the sword’s name. 

Which we both believe is the spirit letting us know he wants us to know the Sword’s name. Perhaps as well since my name change to his surname - Fujiwara? Would the sword be named for the spirit inside it? A lot to think about and it seems that I have some library time and research ahead of me. As I do want to learn more about Azumi and the spirit that inhabits the sword.

Pluck is amazing, she suddenly shot up from the table and went into the Captain’s Cabin. When she came out holding two scrolls. Pluck told me that she had been a history buff growing up and that she had the short histories of the Kalanese Emperors and when we looked, we found out that Jeihong Fujiwara was was a great emperor who was able to do many things during his reign that benefited all within Kalana. He also helped to ensure guards were placed around the cities and decreased the dinosaur attacks during his reign. His time as Emperor ended after 9 years when he died during an assault known as the "March of the Yokai”, when the gates to that realm opened for just an hour. It said nothing about the brother, other than he had three.

To the Future

As I acclimate to the changes that I have voluntarily accepted, I wonder where they will lead and yet, as I wrap my hand around the hilt of the sword, there is a warmth that was not there before. Almost as if it is satisfied with the choices that we both made for me to have bonded with it. Azumi feels "right" to me and the direction that my life will take with it in my hand will no doubt be interesting.

The more I learn, the more that I want to know about Azumi and its/his story. I wonder where the matching Wakizashi is, that is something to worry about later. What is it's connection, if any, to Manson's Oni Blade and how will that relationship impact our futures. Time will tell.

Now it is time to find the creature in the sewers.


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