
Showing posts from August, 2024

Raven - Soul Bonding to Azumi - Character Update

After getting back to the Zalera, I knew without any doubt the sword was a Masamune creation and a  Shiranui Blade from Kalana, it was just a question of which one. According to Pluck we weren't quite ready to go to the sewers to see what the creature was and had about an hour or so before we would leave. Knowing this would probably be a very difficult battle, I knew that I needed to know more about this sword and if I could use it. The Bonding I found a place down in the dojo where I wouldn't be interrupted for a few minutes and attempted to commune with the sword. I was surprised that it quickly allowed me into its domain with the Blood Lily's all around us, but did not speak to me. The spirit simply looked at me sadly and beckoned me to sit before it.  Looking closely at the spirit, I could see that he was originally a Kalashtar. After I sat down, I could hear inside of my head. "It is easier to communicate this way. Do you wish to wield me voluntarily as honorably

Geld the Golden, Change, and The Sword - Session Recap

Cast Sebastian - DM Harold - Raven - Samurai FFXIV-Ninja FFXIV / Shadar Kai Alex - Terentus - Rogue / Garlean Holden - Manson Black - Paladin / Human EJ. - Olin - Wizard (Illusionist) - Human Session #7 - 2024-08-24 Ahh, I got interrupted before I could finish up sharing our latest adventures and had to wait till things settled back down. Where was I? Oh yeah, we had put the statue together and the platform had lowered us down to the next level. Terentus Returns We were discussing what to do next and there was a flash of light. We prepared ourselves, but there was Terentus and another person that he identified as Kenzo. He looks at Terentus and tells him "Here are your friends. Is there anything else that you need?" Terentus introduces us to Kenzo Aetheria, and tells the tale of how the mission to get the Ring for Beth, went south when the clown showed up. He saw Pierre and Collom get injured and then the clown came for him and there was a flash of light. He tells us tha

Ester, A Desert Dungeon and a Lost Leg - Session Recap

  2024-08-15 - Session 6 Notes Cast Sebastian - DM Harold - Raven - Samurai FFXIV-Ninja FFXIV / Shadar Kai Alex - Terentus - Rogue / Garlean Wes - Kayden - Evolutionist / Feroxian Holden - Manson Black - Paladin / Human EJ. - Olin - Wizard (Illusionist) - Human  What to do About Ester The next morning we sat down to discuss what we are going to do with Ester/Thomas and her Intime Varhailen abilities. Now that we know who and what she is, no matter what happens she is tied back to us. We talk about what happens if someone else gets a hold of her and uses her like a battery.  Pluck summarized her conversation with Ester for the rest of them. We had talked earlier and discussed some things. "So, I talked to Ester, and I know we've only just met her, but she's in a really tough spot. She's on the run, scared of staying in one place too long because it seems that she’s running from the Clown. who is probably the same one that attacked Pierre, Collom and Terentus. She’s in p