Raven - Soul Bonding to Azumi - Character Update
After getting back to the Zalera, I knew without any doubt the sword was a Masamune creation and a Shiranui Blade from Kalana, it was just a question of which one. According to Pluck we weren't quite ready to go to the sewers to see what the creature was and had about an hour or so before we would leave. Knowing this would probably be a very difficult battle, I knew that I needed to know more about this sword and if I could use it. The Bonding I found a place down in the dojo where I wouldn't be interrupted for a few minutes and attempted to commune with the sword. I was surprised that it quickly allowed me into its domain with the Blood Lily's all around us, but did not speak to me. The spirit simply looked at me sadly and beckoned me to sit before it. Looking closely at the spirit, I could see that he was originally a Kalashtar. After I sat down, I could hear inside of my head. "It is easier to communicate this way. Do you wish to wield me voluntarily as honorably ...