
Finvarra, New Party Members, Mercenaries and Scrying

Tonight's session was heavy on the role-playing side of the game. Introducing new characters, Cain and Mathandril and bringing back Donkey. Planning what to do next and finding a way to hire a mercenary company to assist Varrin in his Game of Thrones intrigues. A lot happened, but no battles other than that of wits in tonight session. --- In the ethereal beauty of Oona and Finvarra’s Palace, nestled within the whimsical Feywild, a meeting unfolds that would ripple through the realms. Finvarra, co-sovereign of this fey domain, stands before Varrin, now one of the Witching Hour’s 12 Chosen. The air is thick with tension and unspoken histories as the party, weary from their travels, succumbs to a much-needed respite. Introductions are finally made as per Fey custom, but no gift given to the Lord of the Manor, both customs had been neglected in the flight to the Palace and subsequent delays. Varrin stepped forward, his voice carrying the weight of his new title. Garouche and Lanki, nam

Miwa - Side Thoughts and Deal Making

A comment from Miwa she wanted added to the Journal. I saw something on my way to finish the deal with the Mantid from earlier that reminded me of Donkey, I picked it up on the way, it's this pretty jewel in the shape of a daisy flower.. As for the deal it seems the mantid gave up her number in this game to this "Mr. Behemy", I accompanied her to meet him and to be fully paid before I handed over the creature. She already approved the deal with the Ultros parasite and gave me something that reminded me of Varrin.. A white bow and an admittedly pretty Violin..  Gathrin told me it could make me better understand and express my feelings by playing it. I've tried it a couple of times now and the sound is soothing. Is this why he likes them? Seems straightforward but still a steep skill climb. Music and festivities was important to all of them.. Gathrin has given me many pointers as did Gabranth once we had met. He was very patient and kind to me.  Only a few years my seni

Cain - A Call to Adventure

Ah, it’s been six months since I wrote that first journal entry and while I’ve maintained a journal since that day, much has happened. Today Lord Finvarra offered me the opportunity to join an adventuring party, on a world called Crannog, if I feel that I am ready. Becoming Healthy Physically, I’ve healed and while there are still some body parts that could use more time, I am doing well and getting antsy to do more than just train. Though I do find myself easily overwhelmed at times when there is too much going on around me or noises that take me back to the prison.  Then there are areas where my mind still seems to be blocked, beyond my Master’s geas, and the healers and wizards I’ve talked with can’t figure out how to get around it - yet. Another piece of the puzzle has been added. Though I did learn that it took five healers, and a wizard several days to heal both my body and mind of most of the damage that had been done to me during my imprisonment before I woke up that first time

Cain - Into the Feywild

The Second part of Cain's backstory and some fleeting thoughts on what has happened so far to him. This backstory is more involved than most I've written and the character has driven the changes as he developed in my mind. I find it fun to change the backstory to meet how the character develops in my own mind. Yeah, I had to break the story into shorter more manageable pieces on the blog, otherwise what was 15-16 pages of material at 9 pitch would have been too long to comfortably read in one sitting. The Feywild When I emerged on the other side I knew without being told that I was now in the Feywild and there was another carriage waiting for us. I finally fell to my knees unable to stand any longer. He motioned for one of the grooms to assist me into the carriage and after I was seated my Master looked at me and said.  “This is your new home Cain, I know that you’ve been badly damaged and it will take time for you to heal. You have voluntarily accepted my protection and since

Cain Lokris - Looking Back to Look Ahead

Sometimes you have to look back to see where you’ve been in order to find the path forward. Today was my first taste of freedom in over ten years. It was a day to remember and one that I owe to Finvarra and his family who greeted me almost as one of their own. I am settling into the room I’ve been given while I recuperate from the travails of my imprisonment. Conveniently, a blank journal was left on the desk in the room and I plan to use it to sort out the many thoughts I have bouncing around within my head tonight. Though how long I’ll be able to remain awake to write this long chapter in my life, remains to be seen. Looking Back The endless expanse of the Astral Sea… it used to be a lullaby, a constant hum in the back of my mind. Now, it has become a reminder of a past I can't grasp, a burning ember of curiosity that flickers just out of reach. A part of me that has been lost, likely never to be found again. Kane Lorkis Microsoft Image AI Creator - 2024 Master Jinora claimed the