Kalana, Lord Pear, and Hana - Session Recap

The others were out for a variety of reasons, but it gave the two of us a chance to get used to how our characters performed in battle conditions that were not lethal and develop the backstories a bit more.

Sebastian - DM

Harold - Tornik “Raven” Ravenblack new character and old character Collom

Holden - Manson Black

Introducing Raven

Being back in Gosper is such an assault on my senses compared to being in the City of the Rain to complete my training. Upon my arrival, I was ushered to General Thorrel’s office and Pierre was already sitting there with her, they were expecting me. We briefly discussed the last two years, and they didn’t ask any specifics other than if the training had been successful and how I was doing. I told them that it had been successful and I had returned to Gosper to discharge my debt of honor to the Guild, for how it had helped me, when I needed it.

This did not seem to surprise either of them and the General simply said, “We will honor your debt that you feel you owe to us, but we will not abuse it either.” I thanked her and she told me that I would be assigned to Pierre and he would find a suitable mission that I could complete to satisfy my debt.

My Assignment

Pierre called me to his office a few days later. He explained that he has a mission that has several deliveries to be made in different locations within Kalana. He needs someone familiar with the culture and customs to keep the rest of the party alive as best I can within Kalana’s borders despite their ignorance of the customs there.

While in Pierre’s office, I introduced myself to the others as Raven, a Shadar Kai who had been raised as a Samurai in Kalana and was now a Ronin for hire. I met a Human fighter type named Manson, a shifty sort that I couldn’t quite identify named Terantus, and a Goliath named Collom who was instructed that he was being reassigned to act as Pierre’s personal bodyguard. Due to a certain situation that was going on in Gosper and other Tiberias cities as well with the “Clowns”.

Collom was honored by the faith being placed on him by Pierre and told him that he would defend him with his life. Pierre told him that he hoped that wasn’t necessary. Terentus told Pierre he wasn’t that welcome in Kalana and volunteered to use his skills as a scout and information gatherer to find out more about the “clowns”, what they were doing in Gosper and possibly beyond. So, he was pulled from the party temporarily. Collom looked at Manson and told him to remind Orrin that he expected his share of the sale of the sword, when he sold it in Kalana. Manson just laughed.

Pierre asked if I could keep an eye on one called Pluck who was returning to Kalana for the first time in many years. Her father was a well-known merchant named Kokoro and she had significant disagreements with, in the past. I didn’t say anything or show any emotion at the mention of the name of this person’s father, but I know of him from my time in Kanea.

Manson could introduce me to the rest of the party and Pluck.

Then Pierre discussed the deliveries. He has two crates and two boxed magic items. The groups know that the party will be the ones delivering this stuff. Each of these done is worth 350 gp a piece

  • One of the crates is to the Mukade clan, the pickup is a Nezumi named Kokoro, who happens to be Plucks biological father. Pluck will not be able to accompany lest certain conditions are met.

  • One of the magic items is going to one of the emperor's advisors, one named Pearl. He's noted to tip if he can be entertained after the delivery. He enjoys displays of magical or martial artistry.

  • The other crate is going to a Lizardfolk tribe that rangles Dinosaurs. There's one who rides a T-Rex, she's the one you are to deliver too.

  • The other magic item is going to the Kitsune in the main city. It's being handed to an illusionist name Momokonie

With that knowledge Manson indicated that he needed to get some supplies before we left. We stopped by my room and picked up the stuff I would need to take with us on the trip and headed out to the merchant’s district.

While there we saw Pluck at a booth and using a ring to change from Nezumi to Human. Manson and her talked, and I moved off to give them privacy, but I could still hear what was being said. It seemed that they were lovers and that there was more going on between them than just that. Knowing that she was Kokoro’s daughter meant other things were being offered beyond the physical. She also talked about needing a different face while in Kalana, because she was too well known - how well I know that feeling. They discussed what would happen if she got pregnant while wearing the ring. 

Then I heard Manson tell her that he was going to accept the offer she had made to him earlier. He agreed to take out a loan to buy her the ring. Then presented it to her. She seemed relieved in a way and yes, even happy as well.

I did see Pluck’s brand when she transformed this time, which confirmed my suspicions and she raised an eyebrow when she saw the two that I had when I purposely adjusted my shirt. She made a hand motion that we’d talk about it later. I nodded my head. She had realized she was not a target when I revealed myself to her and was probably now curious why I was here in Gosper - I'm sure.

When we got back to the ship, Pierre’s deliveries were being loaded on. Manson introduced me to the rest of the crew and then while we were waiting, Pluck came out of the Captain’s Cabin and did a small ceremony of exchanging the rings with Manson. She told him that once they went to Kokoro’s estate to make the delivery, that when they got there, if her father went to strike her, Manson needed to not intervene. Otherwise he would be killed immediately. 

Knowing what I knew, that is what would happen. I looked at Manson, nodded and told him that I would stand beside him and hold him back. He promised on his word as a Paladin, though it would be one of the hardest things that he would have to do.

She then asked Manson, if she had a way for him to speak with the ones he lost, if he would be interested in talking to them while they were in Kalana? He thought for a moment and told her no, he couldn’t face them again and to disturb wherever they are now would not be something he wanted to do. Pluck then told him that he needed to live a life they could be proud of. Then she told him that while he was there when her father found out that they were lovers and had exchanged rings that he and others would test Manson by most likely showing him who killed them. Manson seemed to deflate a little and nodded.

Then they discussed what would happen when she released her daughter to burial or the winds. She simply said “What will happen, happens.”

After discussing things some more, after which Manson decided that he needed to go talk to Pierre, who had acted as a surrogate father for Pluck since she left Kalana under difficult circumstances and then lost her daughter Starflower. To one, clear up that he was with Pluck romantically and two, ask for his blessing. I volunteered to go back with Manson to Pierre’s office. I knew that his mind would be elsewhere and in this city, not being aware, would be a good way to find him in an alleyway somewhere, dead or badly injured.

When we got back to Pierre’s office, it didn’t go well, but Manson survived, so it was a successful visit and he did leave with the blessing - I think. I thought that Pierre was going to kill Manson then and there. The big barbarian had to get in front of Pierre to calm him down and remind him that Pierre had told him that Manson had a destiny still to fulfill and if he killed him now… at that Pierre regained control of himself and released Manson from the spell he had cast. He warned Manson not to hurt Pluck. “If you break her, while she is trying to fix you. I. will. kill. you. slowly, ever. so. slowly! I know you, what you want, just remember after achieving vengeance there is life afterwards. Don’t fuck it up.”

Pierre reluctantly gives his blessing, again warning Manson, if he hurts Pluck he will kill him. Then he looked at me and told me to keep an eye on Manson and to tell him if he hurts Pluck. I just said, that isn’t my job. He looked at me for a moment and put a bag with what he said was 100gp inside and more if you need to kill him. Pierre said take this and it becomes your job. I smiled and took the bag. I looked at Manson and said, "money talks".

Pierre then gave us a heads up that Pearl, also enjoyed skillful martial combat as an exhibition and would tip us well if we could perform for him. Perhaps if we practiced together and added some dash to our fighting skills it would be a good way to add in a tip. I thanked him, but didn’t say that I knew of Pearl and his predilections quite well.

Back at the ship Pluck oversaw us adding in some flair to our fighting and then Manson and I sparred. I think that I surprised Manson that I was able to stay with him as well as I did. He won the first sparring session, but it was close.

Pluck critiqued our efforts and made suggestions. She told us that both of our defenses were solid, but that we needed to work on how to increase our ability to hit. Manson then had some things he needed to take care, which allowed Pluck and I to talk. I bowed and told her who I was, that I had sworn allegiance to the Mukade family and was her’s to command as she was a Mukade and her father’s daughter.

She asked a bit of my past and about the shattered blade. Pluck offered to take the blade and have it repaired while we are at Mukade family’s estate. That is if she survived the encounter with her father. I thanked her and said I would appreciate it, but wondered if it was too late for this blade and if it was more a memory more than a part of my future? She took the blade and simply said they will do what they can with it.

The next sparring session we added some flair and I decided to use some of my other skills after we were several rounds into the match. When I did, I held my sword to Manson’s bare neck and he yielded at that point. They are skills that I wouldn’t use in a public exhibition in front of Pearl, it would go against what I had been taught, but I needed to practice them in the privacy of the ship. Manson just shook his head at what I had done, and Pluck nodded, but put her finger to her lips and shook her head. I nodded that I understood.

On the flight to Kalana, I noticed that Pluck was the only one on board who could fly it and that she was getting quite tired. I offered to use my trance skills and learn to pilot an airship. She agreed and showed me some of the things I would need to know before I went into my trance below. She told me that even if I did, that I needed to give my word that as long as she was alive that the ship didn’t go anywhere without her unless I had her permission to take it. I did. When I awakened, I knew that I could pilot and relieve her so that she would be rested for her confrontation with her father. 

Kalana and Lord Pearl

We made it to Kanea a day and half early, Pluck wanted to honor her daughter’s memory and either bury or scatter her ashes as determined by her reception by her father. She needed to prepare herself and we decided to deliver the item to the Emperor's advisor Pearl, who I knew was a five-tailed Kitsune first. It ended up just Manson and myself doing the delivery, the others having found other things to study or do. 

Having lived in Kanea for a time in my other life, I led us to the Palace and announced our intention to make a delivery to Lord Pearl. The guards sent a runner who returned with one of Pearl’s assistants to guide us to him.

When I arrived, he looked at me strangely and I knew that he recognized me. But didn’t say anything, he just raised an eyebrow. He commended us on the early delivery of the item from the Guild and when the gold was given to us there was a significant tip included for getting it here so quickly. Of course, we didn't know how much at the time, because I would not insult Lord Pearl by counting the gold in front of him. I had seen what he had done to others who insulted his integrity and was not going to make that mistake.

Then Lord Pearl looked at us and asked if we might be willing to spar for him. He enjoyed seeing two people pit their skills against one another. It seemed that we might provide two completely different styles of combat and he would enjoy watching a Tiberian Paladin pitted against a Kalanese Samurai. Manson spoke up telling Lord Pearl that we were willing and I nodded my head.

Our two practice sessions helped us put on quite a show. I used my acrobatic skills, minor magics and Samurai techniques, while Manson used some Paladin magic. I refrained from using the other recognizable skills and by the time we had gone almost 15 rounds, there was quite the crowd within the large dojo watching our performance. We traded blows, with flair and panache, though eventually Manson smited me for the winning hit. Even though we were quite low level compared to many in the dojo, we seemed to have entertained them because the applause was noticeable. Lord Pearl was very pleased with our performance and had one of the healers cast a spell that had us regain most of our health.

Then I saw and heard Lord Pearl talking to a young trainee. One who was treated deferentially by all those around him, even by Lord Pearl. Which made me wonder who this person was. He was a hybrid of Shadar Kai and Eladrin elf, but his eyes were different than any I had seen before, and I could see Lord Pearl motioning for him to challenge us.

Lord Pearl then introduced Ruvel to us, naming him Finvarra and Oona’s child. I shivered knowing who they both were. Also, I remembered back to my father’s lessons that everyone has their weaknesses and perhaps there would be a way for me to exploit Ruvel’s open arrogance towards us and to look for an opening that he might give me. The other lesson was to never back down, because of someone’s name or pedigree. When you do, you are dishonoring their best efforts against you. That is why he beat me so mercilessly when he sparred with me, he always gave his best against me and it made me a better swordsman as well.

It was announced to make the sparring fair that Ruvel would fight us both at once. He came out cocky, with the arrogance of one who was used to having his way. Besides he already “knew” he would beat us without any problem. Lord Pearl reminded us all that this was a showing of swordsmanship, not magic. Therefore, not to use any skills or magic not related to the sword.

Ruvel immediately took down Manson, and then motioned for me to attack him. This was my opportunity and likely my only one. An experienced fighter does not give up the initiative and mock an opponent to attack and then let them. I attacked with abandon that surprised us both. My blow struck home against Ruvel. I somehow had gotten through all of his defenses, nicked his cheek and drew blood. 

Ruvel seemed shocked that someone had dared to touch him, touched his cheek, looked at his finger, and saw his blood on it, went into a rage, as even then the wound was closing up. I barely survived his first set of attacks, though I did, and prepared to counter once more. Then Ruvel went ahead and used his ability to action surge, and he quickly put me down. 

Lord Pearl, spoke to Ruvel in a tone that showed his disappointment. “That was poorly done, loosing your anger, because an opponent was able to hit you was unecessary. It was to be a match of swords. You let your anger turn to rage and then you used an ability beyond your opponent's ability to prove your superiority. I am rather disappointed that my lessons have been ignored.”

The chastened Ruvel looked down at me, held out his hand and helped me up. He apologized to me for losing his temper and then we helped Manson up. We all turned and bowed to Lord Pearl. 

At that point I heard a woman’s angry voice call to Ruvel and saw him visibly wince, when she announced for all to hear that they needed to “talk about him losing his temper - again.” I whispered to him that I had those same conversations with my grandmother not that long ago and too many times. He grinned as only a teenager can, nodded respectfully, and walked dejectedly towards his mother, knowing what was coming. I think we both knew that she had witnessed the whole thing. She definitely looked disappointed and unhappy with what she had witnessed.

After they were gone, Lord Pearl beamed at us, telling us that he was very pleased with our performance and that it was good for Ruvel to have met someone who was willing to attack him without being hindered by who his parents were. Lord Pearl whispered telepathically to me “to bring a bit of humility into his life as well.” He whispered to two standing behind him and who left the dojo.

Others were leaving as we made small talk, while waiting for them to return. Lord Pearl asked of my father, I smiled my best courtier's smile and reminded him that my father had committed Seppuku more than two years ago. Then Lord Pearl smiled that chilling smile that senior courtiers of the Emperor’s Court have and said, “That’s right, then your grandfather and grandmother renamed you Raven that day. Will you have your vengeance?” 

I simply answered, “I was named Raven and a Ronin since that day. As a Ronin I was hired by the Tiberias Guild to provide escort/guide service for this group while they are in Kalana. As for vengeance time has covered much f that wound. I find that it is not necessary part of my life, both the Lady Oshiro and the Daimyo were doing what they believed best for the Oshiro clan and removing myself from the lineage for the Seat. After my adopted father died, it was in the best interests of the Clan for me to leave."

"Whether I agree with the choices they made or not, it has been done. I’ve had time to think on it and desiring vengeance would serve no purpose other than more needless deaths. I have heard rumors that his son Kintaro is beginning the transition to becoming Daimyo with my former grandfather becoming less able to effectively hold the Seat. It happens to all humans at some point in their short lives.”

He smiled a sad smile and nodded. “There is much truth in what you have heard about Kintaro, and you show a wisdom beyond your years. I am sure that many in Kalana will be happy to hear your words. Perhaps…”

Then thinking quickly to put him off to a different subject, I risked his ire to interrupt him, so I wouldn't have to answer the offer, he might make, and I would have to refuse. “I was wondering Lord Pearl", bowing noticeably, "While we are doing our deliveries here, if we might each borrow a weapon that would allow us to protect ourselves from those who cannot be hit with the weapons we wield."

He looked at me for a moment that I had dared to interrupt him, nodded his understanding and then smiled a crocodile smile. “After that performance and what you did to Oona’s child, I think that I can arrange something.” Lord Pearl motioned to my katana, and I handed it to him still in its sheath. He pulled it out and saw the Oshiro emblem on the blade. Wondering aloud he asked, "You carry it still?” I looked at him and shook my head, “No my lord, this is my practice sword and not the battle blade I once held.” 

Lord Pearl nodded with understanding, “I will hold this katana as surety for both the swords I will grant you and the Paladin this day.” He spoke quickly and the two assistants left for a while and came back. I knew that if I did not return the swords, that my katana would be returned to the Oshiro clan with a request to bring back my head to him.

Lord Pearl then had the assistants give us the bags of gold and he handed me KaKuro Kumo Naki, a Shiranoui weapon. He simply said, “If she will allow you to wield her, she will be yours for a time, until you get ready to leave Kalana, then you will bring her back to me.” I simply stood there amazed at the honor he had done me and the katana that he had “loaned” to me. So much so, I didn’t notice what long sword that he had given to Manson. I drew KaKuro Kumo Naki and held her reverently and held her aloft, I felt a sudden tingle and light laughter coming from the sword. I knew that she would let me wield her. Then I did hear Manson also promise to return his sword to Lord Pearl before we left Kalana.

He looked at me before we left “Your father was a good man, and is missed around the Court. You are now Ronin and perhaps something more. Someday I might need your skills as you develop them further.” 

I simply nodded “Thank you my lord, he was and I miss him still. Perhaps. I thank you for the honor you have shown Manson and myself.” I bowed one level below what I would for the emperor and then stood. We both smiled and he dismissed us, and we left to go back to the airship.

As we walked out of the dojo, I had several people pointing at me and whispered that I had drawn blood from Oona’s child and many looked upon me as a dead man walking, while others said more flattering things meant for my ears, since I seemed to be now a favorite of Lord Pearl. 

If I am a dead man walking, so be it, but even demi-gods need to know that not all will simply bow to them and that others with greater skill than mine, could and would do more than simply nick his cheek. Hopefully, Ruvel takes it as a lesson earned and his family does not come for me, for doing what I should do. To fight honorably and do my best, no matter who the opponent is.

In my mind it was a very successful trip indeed, we now carried, at least temporarily, weapons that would allow us to protect ourselves from vengeful spirits and had increased my reputation as a swordsman significantly by nicking Ruvel and not backing down from his next attacks.

Returning to the airship.

On the way back I congratulated Manson on his victory over me - again, and that he was going to become a great warrior. He smiled and seemed pleased with the compliment, and that he had beaten me in front of everyone at the dojo. He will be a formidable warrior going forward and one that I would not want to face under different circumstances.

We bantered back and forth a bit, did the usual talking that warriors do after a tough sparring match and discussed what had happened with Ruvel. I admitted that it was just a lucky strike against someone who is way beyond my ability to do anything against. But we both laughed about the look on his face when he saw blood on his finger. Then I reminded him that Lord Pearl, while generous with us, was not one to insult and we both acknowledged that we would return the weapons before we left Kalana.

When we got back Manson told Pluck our exploits, and she seemed surprised and mildly impressed that the two of us were able to accomplish so much with Lord Pearl. When she saw KaKuro Kumo Naki she just smiled and said the Gods must watch over you, for him to even let you touch her, much less "borrow" her to use. That was a great honor. I nodded my understanding and told her of his taking my Oshiro practice blade and that I knew what it meant, if I did not return her.

She congratulated us, looked at Manson, sniffed the air, and told him that he needed to clean up after they exercised a little more. That the three of us would be leaving for her father’s estate within the hour. I excused myself to clean up and put on the clothes suitable to return to where I had been training for the past two years, just weeks ago. Sometimes the Fates work in strange ways, but at least I was familiar with the ways of the Mukade. I had a feeling that Manson was going to be shocked by what he would be seeing. 

I also saw Pluck take off the ring that Manson had given her and put it on a chain as we were leaving the airship, changing back to Nezumi. Then I noticed my broken katana was at her hip beside her weapons, and she was carrying her daughter’s ashes as well. Manson carried the box from Pierre. I was the bodyguard for them both - a sign of things to come? I thought to myself.

The Mukade Compound

I will purposely not write down many of the things that happened, or I saw at the Mukade Compound. The secrets it would reveal if anyone else were to read this journal would put them and myself under the sentence of death. I have pledged my loyalty to the Mukade Clan and to divulge their secrets would dishonor that oath to them.

Upon arrival at the estate, we were met by a behemoth of a creature dressed in Samurai armor, who Manson just stared at and had to conquer his fear of the creature. The creature escorted us into the household. I could see Master Kokoro sitting behind his desk and the next thing he was beside Pluck with a blade at her neck, while she was fumbling to get out the ring and trying not to drop the box with Starflower’s ashes in there.

He glares at the ring, then Pluck’s face, nods, withdraws the katana and sheaths it. “Seven years, now you return! You broke traditions, had a grandchild I will never see and yet you come back with a ring. Who is it that holds your ring?” She points at Manson who is holding the delivery from Pierre.

"Appropriate, you break all traditions and bring a delivery boy to be your groom. Disappointing."

She tells him that “Manson makes me happy and is good in bed.”

Her father just started laughing, “Well, that is good. Have you found the one who took your daughter’s life?" She lowered her eyes and shook her head. "Does this Manson know that he will be bound to this vengeance as well. She nodded.

Kokoro looked at Manson, “Do you understand what the cost of marriage to my daughter will do to your soul?”

Manson just stood there for a moment, seeming to be shrinking in size under his glare, then from somewhere deep inside himself he found a surge of strength and courage. Manson stood up straight, looked Master Kokoro in the eye and said, “I do.”

Master Kokoro laughed and said “Good, I didn’t kill you, so you and my daughter are now married according to the traditions of our Clan. You are not the first human we have admitted, but you are the first human Paladin who willingly became a part of our family. Hana you will be responsible for him while you are here and he is learning our ways.”

Yes, I skipped much of the other stuff, but I think that was the important part to remember. Manson and Pluck (her real name is Hana, as I believed) are now married. Master Kokoro has accepted her back and him into the family. A good start, I thought.

Then they discussed what to do with Starflowers ashes, Master Kokoro, said they would bury her under one of the Wisteria trees on the compound. We went out and several of the other retainers and family members accompanied us. We buried Starflower under a beautiful old tree and Master Kokoro caused a purple flower to blossom on the grave. Then we went back inside, where I was given the gold for delivering the item from Pierre. I would split it with Manson later.

Master Kokoro took me into a room alone, where he told me that he had heard of our performance before Lord Pearl this morning and approved that I had not shown my other skills. This way most would continue to think of me as another Ronin attempting to make a name for himself. I bowed. He gave me a scroll and told me to practice the skills within it, to become a Yoshimitsu style of fighter within the clan. I thanked him. Also, he charged me with protecting Manson and Hana from destroying one another, and that I will follow them until their quests end or find vengeance for their deaths. Though if Hana told me to do something that I needed to follow her orders as if it were coming from him. I bowed, acknowledging my new mission. 

I asked if I could speak, and he nodded. I told him about how Hana had spread herself perilously thin on the trip here and asked if another of the clan could be added as a servant, who also had piloting skills to ease her duties and give her and Manson more time to create him a grandchild. He laughed at that and nodded. I will send the Tiefling name Honamori to ensure that the three of you keep up your ends of the bargain and to ensure that another pilot is present. She will be given permission to spar and train with you once Hana has shown signs that Manson and she have succeeded in producing my grandchild.

He looked at me and said, "When you master the skills in that scroll, you will return here, show me your skills and if I approve, you will wear these blades that were glowing purple in their place in the alcove. I bowed deeply and told him he honored me deeply and that I would succeed in proving worthy of such a gift.

After that he summoned Hana and Manson to conduct the ceremony where Manson is attuned to Hana’s blade. We went into the temple below the house. That is where I stop writing about what happened. It is enough to say that Manson succeeded in his attempt to attune to the blade and has powers beyond what he had before. He also “was shown” the ones who killed his first wife and child.

Much later that night we returned to the airship with our new co-pilot who was quiet and did not speak to anyone but Hana. I asked which name she wanted us to use, and she said she would think about it for a while, before answering.

As we boarded the airship, I noticed that she no longer had my broken sword. I wondered what that meant. Time will tell. 


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