
Showing posts from July, 2024

Intime Varhailen - DM Lore

 DM Hint of what is to come from our Rogue's Gallery Intime Varhailen "He guessed my favorite color on the first try... but between you and me, I didn't have a favorite color until then, never worried much on it till he blurted out blue with this stupid smile on his face... So sure of his answer that it had to be mine.. I couldn't bear to see that smile fade if I told him otherwise so I told him he was right, I havent seen blue the same since, It's in everything.. I could probably live in it now.." "I had to do it" "I had to take him away from the hell he was living, I wanted that smile, the tenderness of soothing his bruised wrists, to be mine and mine alone. I never hurt him like they did, they only wanted his ability, I wanted him for... him.." "When I arrived that day, the men and woman had already had their fill. Indulging themselves from his reserves of mana that leaked from the vile acts they commited to him, the bites, claws an

Kalana, Lord Pear, and Hana - Session Recap

The others were out for a variety of reasons, but it gave the two of us a chance to get used to how our characters performed in battle conditions that were not lethal and develop the backstories a bit more. Sebastian - DM Harold - Tornik “Raven” Ravenblack new character and old character Collom Holden - Manson Black Introducing Raven Being back in Gosper is such an assault on my senses compared to being in the City of the Rain to complete my training. Upon my arrival, I was ushered to General Thorrel’s office and Pierre was already sitting there with her, they were expecting me. We briefly discussed the last two years, and they didn’t ask any specifics other than if the training had been successful and how I was doing. I told them that it had been successful and I had returned to Gosper to discharge my debt of honor to the Guild, for how it had helped me, when I needed it. This did not seem to surprise either of them and the General simply said, “We will honor your debt that you feel y

Friends and Baubles in The Playground - Session Recap

July 10, 2029 - Session 2 Notes Sebastian - Dm Harold - Collom Grolson - Barbarian/Goliath Alex - Terentus - Rogue / Garlean Wes - Kayden - Evolutionist / Feroxian Holden - Manson Black - Paladin / Haman Amy - Zenoira "Zenny" - Bard / Zenorian EJ. - Olin - Human - Wizard (Illusionist) NPC/Opponents Pluck - Nezumi woman who works for Historia as a guide to Tiberian Customs Pierre Orakmi - Kor/Sovatami hybrid. Beth - Wants us to get a Ring from ____ Noble, who Olin know is an arsehole Marsus - a name only, but a major Crime Lord in Tiberias Meekcan - a name only, but a powerful wizard, who is Olin's father Session Notes As we were leaving where Riger was killed, I noticed a round object rolling away from where he was standing and put it in my pocket pouch. When I had a moment, I took a closer look and it was the Pearl that Rerniv had placed on the table when we were getting our rewards for escorting her to the Palace and that Riger took as his part. I guess that the Aspect