Accepting the Moonblade’s Vision

As I awaken from my trance on Roland’s ship - the Stargazer, I ponder on the visions that Lokarra presented to me. Yes, they were that disturbing, and yet enlightening.

When I attuned to The Moonblade during the ceremony at the Elven Temple yesterday, I felt it attempt to intrude into my mind, but instead of fighting against it, I remained calm and let the Blade go where it wanted. I opened my soul and mind to it and waited for it to judge if I was worthy of wielding this legendary blade. An Elven Moonblade and in this instance one charged with creating a new Elven House - The House of Lokris.

After what seemed for me to be an age, but in actuality was only a moment, the Moonblade sifted through my memories and looked into my soul. During the attunement process, the magic of the Moonblade and the Elven Temple provided a choice to be made. I could be changed back to a Jedi, full in a Jedi’s power, not limited like I had been and commensurate with my experience or to embrace my Elven Heritage. If I did that I would be disconnected from the Force and become what I should have been as an Elf.

After thinking for a moment, that being connected to the Force had only brought pain, suffering and intrigue into my life. However, during my time with Finvarra and his family in the Feywild, I had never been happier. With those experiences, I chose to walk away from the Jedi and turn my life towards embracing my Elven Heritage.

Upon making that choice the Moonblade accepted attunement to me and named itself Lokarra. In honor of the Lokris name and also to honor Finvarra who freed me from the prison. One who showed me there was more to life than the one I had lived.

Cain Lokris
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I did not say anything to my companions at the time. There were too many thoughts going through my head and I needed to sort them out, before discussing anything with the others. We finished the mission with Ava and returned to the Stargazer. Then once things were sorted out with Ava on our return, we headed to our cabins to rest.

However, even though I had undergone a tremendous change, the transformation felt right and that the world was moving in the direction that it was supposed to. I was what I should have been from the start, though I am sure that at times I will regret not having the ability to cast high level spells.

When I began my trance Lokarra communicated to me that it had much to show me of my past that had been locked away or I had been too young and didn’t remember. Though there was still a block to anything before my arrival at the Jedi Temple. Lokarra provided a vision of me as a young child sitting in a room with several people dressed in Jedi garb. 

During the vision, I could hear them speaking. “But the prophecies surrounding this child, that he will serve a dark Fey Lord, will wield the Dark LightSaber, which could end all life on the Plane he dwells within, and the other foreboding things that our seers saw when they looked into his future. How can we allow this child to live?” 

One spoke up that I recognized - Master Jinora. “How can we not train him to be another point of light in the world? His connection to the Force is stronger than any of us here? The seer’s visions are often open to interpretation and events do not always follow as they claim they will. I say let us train the child as a Youngling, but limit his ability to access the Force and then see how he progresses to Padawan. His destiny is still malleable and he may become one of the most powerful Jedi in many years, if we handle his training and future correctly.”

There were many dissenting voices, one in particular, the one I saw at the teleportation circle when Finvarra took me away from my imprisonment, argued vehemently that it would be best to simplify the future without me in it. Finally, Master Jinora asked for a vote from the Council and it was narrowly decided that I would be trained as a Youngling. Then depending upon my behaviors and actions, along with finding a Master to accept me as their Padawan, to train me as a Jedi. If I started to show signs of being drawn to the Darkside, it was agreed that I would be eliminated at that point. 

Looking back, these were the reasons that so many Jedi Masters refused to take me as their Padawan, despite my promising history as a Youngling. It came down to the only one being willing to take a chance on me was the one that spoke up for me that day - Master Jinora. Though the idea that they limited my abilities chilled me to the bone and explained a lot.

I need to find Master Jinora on Crannog and sit down to talk with him further.

After that I rested for a while when Lokarra again provided a vision. One that touched the depths of my soul and rocked my world’s foundations.

It was me looking up from the torturer’s table in the prison after the last session where I had died and been brought back yet again, though I had no memory of it. The two Elves from the teleportation circle were standing beside the table talking about me.

They were both horrified by the damage that had been done to me this time. Though that same Jedi was there as well, he was complaining that they had not let me stay dead. He said “I know that I’ve told you if we can eliminate his connection to the Force by the levels of pain, isolation, and death as we are doing, that your brother will not be the one who kills millions upon millions of people on this Plane. However, his connection to the Force is among the strongest I have ever seen and it will take years of this to eliminate the connection. It would be much easier to simply kill him.”

The woman glared at him and said “You of all people know that we will not allow that to happen. He is of our royal blood and while we spill it willingly to grant him the grace to be amongst us once more upon your guidance and behest of your Order. We have gone over this before, we will not commit fratricide against our youngest brother.” 

“Your Order’s seers visions took him away from us as a child, now for ten years the King and you abused, tortured and reduced our brother to a shell of who he is. I tell you true, and the family has agreed, it stops today and he will not be tortured further. We cannot continue to see one of our blood treated so. If he is to be the one that ends all life on this Plane, so be it. If it isn’t him we have done a great disservice to our brother, and if it is him, we will be together on the other side.” 

The other Elf with an Oak Leaf circlet around his head, standing beside her nodded his head with tears streaming down his cheeks as he placed his hand upon my chest, “I’m sorry my brother, our Father had the best of intentions, but now it is up to you to decide your and our futures for the first time in your life, you will have a say in the direction it will take.” 

To the guards he said. “Take him back to his cell and make sure the preparations that I have started do happen.” 

To the Jedi he said “You may have convinced our father of the necessity of this, but I will not condone or allow this torture of my innocent brother to continue, now that I am King. When he leaves this prison, you will be there and you will be silent. You may not leave this realm until he does. If you attempt to do so, you will be the one laying there and I will be using that knife on your body.” 

The Jedi yelled at the Elf, “You fool, you’d risk millions of lives for the sake of one!” Then went on to give more reasons these methods should continue or that I should die. I could tell he attempted to use a Force power to convince the Elf to side with him.

The Elf looked at the Jedi and in a tone that brooked no objection. “Silence Jedi, you are in my house and will not speak to me and mine in that tone or attempt to use Jedi mind tricks like you did with our Father. Perhaps you need to check to see how close you are to the Darkside, because you seem to me to be quite close with this obsession over the future of my brother.”

He turned to the guards. “Escort him out - now.”

The Jedi starts to say something and the Elf says, “Say another word and you will be laying on that table and it will be you who will not see another sunrise.” As the Elf’s men surrounded the Jedi with swords and halberds at the ready. 

As he walked away, he glared at me with undisguised hatred as he was escorted from the torture chamber. This from a Jedi Master? How far to the Darkside had he gone?

Then the Elf looked down at me and said, “I am truly sorry, for all that has happened to you my brother.”

I awoke crying.

What Lokarra’s visions revealed to me, they were horrific, explained much, and rang of the truth.

I need time to think.


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