2024-05-22 - Roland's Gifts and Battling Baldur

Today's session was more about role playing and preparing for our battle with Baldur. While Roland is a Demon Lord, he sees little sense in the ensuing chaos and loss of life that he could use for his purposes. That freeing the Horned King would result in, on the Moons of Crannog, before it was returned to its cage by this Plane's Overseer. His gifts are often two-edged and he will use party members to further his own agenda on this Plane as they become more powerful and beholden to him. After defeating one of Baldur's allies, the party was just beginning its battle against Baldur and needed to stop because they ran out of time.


Sebastian - DM

Harold - Cain

Alex - Mathandrial

Wes - Varrin

Stanley - Garoche

Holden - Donkey

Important NPCs This Session


Baldur - BBEG

Session Notes

The session begins with Cain returning from his cabin and seeing the group in deep conversation with Roland.


Roland asks what he can do for Cain and he responds with wondering if Cain knows anything about his past or the two Elves and the Jedi who were there when I left where I had been imprisoned with Finvarra to the Feywild. He told Cain that he wouldn't, but wondered if that was part of the agreement to not look into his past. Cain told him his understanding was that Finvarra couldn't tell him or direct him about his past along with who, where and why he had been imprisoned. However, if using his own initiative and other means than Finvarra's resources, finding out who he really was and who they were was okay. Roland said he would look into it for a favor, but that he would make no promises on the outcome. Cain responded that it was understood.

Roland's True Form
Attribution unknown - 2024 -- Provided as part of gaming session

Then Roland pulls out what looks like a SunBlade, and tells Cain with your background as a former Jedi this might interest you. Cain didn't tell Roland that he had been a Jedi, so maybe Roland knows more about Cain than he lets on. Cain told Roland that only Jedi who have done a great service, are given Sun Swords and he hasn't done any great service to deserve one. 

Roland tells Cain that it isn't a Sun Blade, but a Dark Sword named Karahara that uses gravitational force as would a black hole and sucking light into it. It is powered by a kayotite stone which is only formed during the death of a plane. He offers it to Cain. Who takes Karahara and you can tell he is very interested in possessing it.

They talk for a bit about why Roland would give such a powerful sword to him. He tells Cain that he has a mission that needs to be completed and the sword could be of use to complete it, as well as their current quest to kill Baldur. One called Dalazon, the son of the one who you call The Merchant, who led an invasion of a world that was under my protection. He is a very powerful Cleric/Paladin, and needs to be eliminated permanently, so that he does not become a problem again in the future. He is currently located on Crannog, conveniently close to where Baldur's lair is located. Though his body has been torn apart, you will not be able to defeat Dalazon by yourself, if you chose to go after him, you will need the party's assistance.

Which started a discussion regarding Baldur and the need for the party to deal with him and Moonscar, so that the Horned King is not released. Roland tells us that if the Horned King is released that the overseer of this plane - Akasha, who is the Fey who we know of as Oona, who's Elven name is Isabella Magini, and he reminds us that Natasha and Merlin's names are also Magini, would not allow him to remain loose on this Plane. However most life would cease to exist as we know it on the moons of Crannog, due to the disease called moon scorching - one of the soul that causes ego death and transforming one into a monster. 

Verrin told us that he and Donkey had witnessed that when one of the party had been teleported to the Horned King's moon and returned as a monster that the party had to kill.

Roland looked at Cain and told him that Karahara also came with the knowledge of its cost, that the way it kills is that as it damages an opponent, that the damage it causes cannot be recovered. However, in the party's future battles against Baldur and Moonscar it will become a much needed weapon to use against them.

Cain asks what the other choice was?

Give me one of the weapons that the current Queen of Crannog holds.

Cain quickly looks to the other party members and they agree that battling the Queen, is not something they want to do and all but Mathandrial pledges their support for his quest to possess the sword and go after Dalazon. Mathandrial says that is beyond the Gradient Company's contract with Verrin and what would cause him to go with Cain. Roland smiles and tells him there is a 150,000 gp bounty on Dalazon's head. Mathandrial smiles and agrees that a share of that bounty would be acceptable. Roland gives Cain 48 hours to complete the quest. But the time does not start until - after and if the party is able to deal with Baldur and his allies. When they complete it and bring him Dalazon's head, he will let Cain keep the sword.


Garoche asks when he dies to have a demon possess his body, that he wants to be cursed and that the demon cannot do anything to hurt the party members. The party and Roland all attempt to talk him out of that request, but he refuses to withdraw the request. Other members of the party are all scratching their heads wondering why he would request such a thing of a Demon Lord, which is what Roland actually is.

Roland calls for Ava, several times and finally she responds "Fetch me the “fun” vials." She comes into the room with a tray of several vials filled with what appears to be blood. Roland brings forth his third eye in the middle of his forehead and tells Garoche to choose one, but Garoche refuses and wants another to make the choice. Roland is truly vexed by Garoche's behaviors and has Mathandrial choose one, who grabs one, turns it into a vial of water and gives it to Roland. Who turns it back to blood.

He gives the vial to Garoche and tells him that he will drink it. Everyone looks at Roland, they are seeing a different side to him at this point. Then they all look toward Garoche.

Garoche eyes the contents warily, but Roland commands "Drink!" and he drinks the contents of the vial. As he is drinking the contents Roland says "I have no mouth and I must scream", as Garoche begins to transform. The party watches in horror as Garoche begins to scream in pain and is turned inside out. What is left begins molding itself into an amorphous blob with a pair of eyes, no mouth and is clearly dying.

Verrin brings Garoche back from the brink of death and Mathandrial works to heal what damage he can. Roland intervenes and tells them to leave him be and that he will not die this time.

Roland looks at Garoche with disdain and tells him that "Next time you make a foolish request of me, there will not be a next time, you will become my thrall. Though whenever you do die, your soul and whatever is left of your body will belong to me as payment for today's foolish request. You have your wish to be cursed." 

With that gives him back his original form though the process was again horrifying for the party to watch. As Garoche screams resounded throughout the ship, until he lays on the floor exhausted by his ordeal, but still in considerable pain and continues to whimper. Roland looks at others of the party to see if anyone objects, they all simply nod their heads. 

Journal observation. Foolish requests of Demon Lords lead to unanticipated results for the one doing the request and in the future could cause damage to the team being able to complete their quests.


Donkey tells Roland "You are a good man" and we've done well working together, we need to spar again soon. At which Roland laughs loudly and asks Donkey what he really wants. With a downcast eye, he tells Roland that he wants a Belt of Cloud Giant Strength - "it will help with Cain's mission to kill Dalazon for you, and also help Donkey with killing Baldur." Roland chuckles and suddenly a belt appears around Donkey's waist. Donkey feels stronger he says.

Everyone, but Garoche laughs, he who is still writhing in pain on the floor and no one is paying attention to him. To displease Roland by attending to Garoche needs at this point serves no purpose. He made his choices and is paying the price.


Roland now looks at Verrin and asks what he would like? "Even though you broke my girl’s heart, roles were adjusted." Verrin tells him there is nothing that he can think of that he wants from Roland. Roland walks towards Verrin with all three of his eyes open and looks deeply into his soul. Then presses two fingers against his chest and tells him “it’s time to wake up”. As Roland moves his fingers around, the party can see that Verrin is in immense pain, but is being held up by Roland.

They see blue, red, white aura coming out of Verrin's body and suddenly he disappears. Though I was able to go with him and see him appear on Theros. He sees people recovering from complete devastation of their world. Roland suddenly appears beside him and tells him that he is part of a special group of people. That people like you and I are meant to inherit the stars as opposed to those who are stuck in one world. We can tap our chests and go to places that others cannot.

Suddenly they return to Roland's ship and Verrin looks completely out of sorts and doesn't really say a lot to the party after what happened. Other than to tell them that he had been to a world called Theros that had been devastated. Then Roland told them Verrin was now a Planeswalker.

Cain spoke of how he read about how Miwa took Landriss on a journey this way in an earlier journal entry.


Roland directs Mathandrial to a room down the passageway. Once inside Ava is there having her arm opened up by a what appears to be someone who appears to be a doctor of some kind. The man looks back at him and says Roland sent you? Mathandrial answered with his name and that he was a Gold Rank Apothecary of the Gradient Company. Then came over to investigate what was going on with Ava's arm and began talking with her and the doctor about what was going on. The doctor warned him not the get any of the stuff coming out of her wound on his bare skin. They began talking about how her anatomy matches that of an elf, but with major differences.

Ava asks him to take off his mask and then injects herself with Wyvern point and they all discuss how Ava can integrate different poisons into her body and she has learned to control how she metabolises them. Mathandrial discusses how he is attempting to create a poison to the Queen's split self and then uses the poison that he has collected to create a +1 dagger with the ability to poison (Wyvern)

Preparing for Battle

The party then does a long rest and then begin preparations to teleport to where Baldur is located. Though Roland tells us that neither Joseph or Scathact will be joining the party as they have made deals with him to do other things that are necessary.

There is another Magini on the vessel as well...not sure what that meant, it was an odd passing comment that seemed out of context for the preparations being made to fight with Baldur, unless it was meant that Baldur is holding a Magini? 

Verrin dusts all weapons with mistletoe

The party is Teleported into a forest outside of Calmeri, and see fog, some rain, a kid humming and Ava walks by us. As she does, she side eyes Verrin “You do what you need to do, I’ll get the kid”. She turns into a giant spider. Mathandrial looks at her with longing and says to Verrin "Isn’t Ava fascinating…" as she disappears into the woods. Verrin glares at Mathandrial and doesn't respond.

Suddenly the party hears Baldur clapping. "I hope you are ready to play our little game."

Cain casts Haste and other party members begin preparations for battle.

Hag Dragon

Suddenly as Baldur disappears into the forest, what appears to be a Hag Dragon comes through the trees towards the party. The Battle begins. At some point during fighting, the dragon did considerable damage to several of the party members. Donkey suddenly scores a critical hit and is turned into an adult Black Dragon and a prismatic comet comes out of the sky directly hitting the Hag dragon. Donkey saved the day!!!

Donkey laughed and said licking up all those broken potion bottles had been nasty, but in the end it was worth it!

Battling Baldur

His allies are the three Hags, that Verrin knows so well, a giant scorpion, another creature that I didn't identify, and instead of mocking the party or attempting to goad Verrin or Donkey, he immediately prepares to cast high level spells. This time he is not playing around and is prepared to kill as many of the party members as possible. He sees the party for what they are - true threats to him and his goals of freeing the Horned King with Moonscar.


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