Lirael Died an Honorable Death

During our last session Lirael and Landriss had a choice to stay and fight a dark knight, or teleport after mortally injured Gantz to ensure that he died. The knight was a lesser threat and we went after Gantz. Little did we realize the real foe, was someone that was controlling Gantz, would escape her prison as Gantz died. We had a choice attempt to stop the greater evil or be swept over to its side. We both made the same choice. 

The Final Entry to Lirael's Journal

The ink, a sickly purple mirroring the fading hues of my triumphant return from imprisonment, lies heavy on the parchment. This will be an unconventional addition to Lirael’s journal, not a boast of conquest for having killed him, but a grudging recognition of a fallen foe. Something, an odd instinct bade me grab this book from the floor where it fell from Lirael’s pack upon his demise. Lirael Glimmereye, a Yuan-ti, one who was fostered by a humans named Harper, the name rings in my mind with an unexpected resonance. In reading this journal of Lirael’s, I have come to respect how he represented how far the Yuan-ti race I created on this plane has come.

Through his words and exploits therein, I have learned much of the current world and the players within it from a different perspective than the one that Gantz and the Underlilly provided. It was invaluable to catch me up on a side Crannog that I would never otherwise have seen and one that provided me with ideas to move forward with my conquest. Though I do believe that Minwa and I will have our reckoning sooner than later. Perhaps not through our proxies this time, the wench has bothered me once too often.

He and his valiant companion, Landriss, now lay still before me, testaments to their desperate resistance. My initial amusement at their audacity has curdled into…disappointment? Perhaps respect? I know, an emotion ill-befitting a God such as myself, but still for reasons I cannot completely understand, I decided to pen this last testament to how he died, a fitting honor that few receive from me, considering how many have died in my Name.

These two Lirael and Landriss were somehow able to kill my chosen one Gantz and the Underlilly. Then as I emerged from my imprisonment, they landed blows, more than any who dared defy me before. Lirael beheading me once with his vorpal weapon, which I must admit hurt more than I let them believe. Though I kept attempting to stop their attacks with honey-coated words, so I could charm them onto my side. Neither deigned to listen and kept attacking me the best that they could. Two valiant warriors who would be perfect additions to my cause, especially the young Yuan-ti. Finally, I disposed of the bothersome paladin who had the artifact Ice Spike and attempted to use all of his life force to stop me. It didn’t work of course, as I am much too strong, even in my weakened condition.

Then I refused to let Lirael die until I could make him an offer that he couldn’t refuse. Somehow, at the end Lirael, his voice rasping, defiance burning bright in his strangely glimmering eyes, did refuse my offer. Immortality, power at his fingertips, to become one of my twelve. All cast aside for the fleeting notion of "honor." A word so many cling to with such fervent desperation and how so few actually act with honor when the end is upon them.

His refusal stung, not with anger, more like disappointment, but also with a flicker of…appreciation, nay respect? This whelp, born of mortal clay, dared deny a goddess, one who should be his goddess! Lirael’s loyalty to the teachings of his foster-father and his commitment to a moral code that surpassed the allure of power – it resonated with me. In that fleeting moment before his life ebbed away, I respected his choice. A choice to die as a guardian of Crannog, maintaining the integrity of his convictions.

In my own way, I too am bound by a code, a sense of honor that transcends the chaos I sow in the wake of my desires. Lirael’s final wish before he died strangely resonated within me — to see the majestic night sky on a lonely hill and have his spirit be there on that hill, one overlooking the city of Silvaa until it is time for it to travel to the next stage of what comes next. A strange request, one I granted with an uncharacteristic…clemency.

Lirael, you and Landriss may have lost the battle, but your defiance echoes in the silence. Your name, carried on the winds of time, serves as a curious thorn in my side. A reminder that even gods can be challenged, that even in the darkest hearts, a flicker of light can linger. I may have won this battle easily, but you, in your stubborn refusal, planted a seed of doubt, though the idea of that seed spreading is laughable at best. Until then, let your spirit rest quietly on your lonely hill. You have earned…my grudging respect.

To Landriss, the silent companion, your unwavering support deserves mention. Though your words were few, your loyalty to your oath and friend shone brighter than any star. May your sacrifice not be forgotten as well.

To any others who might read Lirael’s journal in the future, DO NOT look at this magnanimous gesture on my part to Lirael as a sign of weakness or change of heart. While I do respect his and Landriss’ choices, they will do little to stop me from conquering Crannog and ruling this world as I see fit.

Merlin – my love, I have “seen” that you will read this. Know that I have not forgotten your betrayal and I will have my revenge upon you.



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